background image




How to apply these terms to your new programs

If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the great-
est possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to
make it free software which everyone can redistribute and change
under these terms.

To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effective-
ly convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at
least the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is

one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it
Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
the license, or (at your option) any later version. 

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
POSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301 USA.

Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and
paper mail.

If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like
this when it starts in an interactive mode:

Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for
details type ‘show w’. This is free software, and you are welcome
to redistribute it under certain conditions; type ‘show c’ for

The hypothetical commands ‘show w’ and ‘show c’ should show
the appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course,
the commands you use may be called something other than
‘show w’ and ‘show c’; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu
items-whatever suits your program.

You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer)
or your school, if any, to sign a “copyright disclaimer” for the pro-
gram, if necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:

Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the pro-
gram ‘Gnomovision’ (which makes passes at compilers) written by
James Hacker.

signature of Ty Coon, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice

This General Public License does not permit incorporating your
program into proprietary programs. If your program is a subrou-
tine library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking pro-
prietary applications with the library. If this is what you want to
do, use the GNU Lesser General Public License instead of this

Summary of Contents for 47LG70 Series

Page 1: ... any Antenna Cable connection changes Select CHANNEL Select Auto T Tuning Select Yes Run Auto t tuning Enter Move CHANNEL Enter Move CHANNEL 1MENU 3 2 ENTER ENTER 4 ENTER Auto Tuning Manual Tuning Channel Edit Auto Tuning Manual Tuning Channel Edit Press Yes button to begin auto tuning Yes No A password is required to gain access to Auto Tuning menu if the Lock System is turned on 5RETURN Return t...

Page 2: ...ANNEL Channel Select channel type and RF channel number F DTV G 2 Close Delete Auto Tuning Manual Tuning Channel Edit DTV 2 0 Bad Normal Good Select Manual T Tuning Select DTV TV CADTV or CATV Select channel you want to add or delete 3 ENTER 4 Select Add or Delete 5 ENTER Auto Tuning Manual Tuning Channel Edit A password is required to gain access to Manual Tuning menu if the Lock System is turned...

Page 3: toggling each channel on or off with ENTER button The channels in the Custom List are displayed in black and the channels deleted from the Custom List are displayed in gray Once a channel is highlighted you can add or delete the channel by referring to the small window at the top right corner of the screen Channel Editing Enter Move CHANNEL Auto Tuning Manual Tuning Channel Edit Select CHANNEL ...

Page 4: ...s Cable Select it to watch cable and dig ital cable AV 1 1 2 Select them to watch a VCR or other external equipment Component 1 1 2 Select them to watch DVD or a Digital set top box RGB PC Select it to view PC input HDMI1 4 Select them to watch high definition devices Enter Move Antenna Cable AV1 AV2 Component1 Component2 RGB PC HDMI1 INPUT E Except 32 37 42LG30 37 42 47 52LG50 Antenna Cable AV1 A...

Page 5: ... 42 47 52LG50 Select OPTION Select Input L Label Select the label 1MENU 2 ENTER Select the source 3 ENTER 4 5RETURN Return to the previous menu MENU Return to TV viewing With using OPTION menu Select the source Select the label 1INPUT 2Q MENU 3RETURN Return to the previous menu MENU Return to TV viewing With using INPUT button When new external device is connected this popup menu is displayed auto...

Page 6: ...e Sport Press the AV M MODE button repeatedly to select the desired source ENTER If you select Cinema in AV mode Cinema will be selected both for PIC TURE menu Picture Mode and AUDIO menu Sound Mode respectively If you select Off in AV mode the Picture M Mode and Sound M Mode return to previous selected value ...

Page 7: ...lish Input Label SIMPLINK On Key Lock Off Caption Off ISM Method Normal Power Saving Level 0 Set ID 1 Off On NOTE G Connect the HDMI DVI IN or HDMI IN terminal of the TV to the rear terminal HDMI terminal of the SIMPLINK device with the HDMI cable G When you switch the Input source with the INPUT button on the remote control the SIMPLINK device will stop G When you select a device with home theate...

Page 8: ...provide this function Note To operate SIMPLINK an HDMI cable over Version 1 2 with CEC function should be used CEC Consumer Electronics Control SIMPLINK Menu TV v viewing Switch to the previous TV channel regardless of the current mode DISC p playback Select and play discs When multiple discs are available the titles of discs are conveniently displayed at the bottom of the screen VCR p playback Co...

Page 9: ...B storage device which was formatted as a FAT or NTFS file system provided with the Windows operating system In case of a storage device formatted as a different utility pro gram which is not supported by Windows it may not be recognized G Please connect power to a USB storage device which requires an external power supply If not the device may not be recognized G Please connect a USB storage devi...

Page 10: ...r Current page Total pages Total number of marked photos Usable USB memory Corresponding buttons on the remote control Supported photo file JPG You can play JPG files only Only baseline scan is supported among JPG USB Device Page 1 1 No Marked PHOTO LIST Upper Free Space 150MB Navigate PopUp Menu Move Page Mark Exit 2Folders 4Files 3 4 5 1 1 2 Select USB Select PHOTO L LIST 2 TOP FOLDER Drive1 1ME...

Page 11: ...a slide show of the marked photos If no photos are marked you can view all photos individually or all pho tos in the folder in a slide show TOP FOLDER Drive1 4 Select the desired Popup menu ENTER ENTER ENTER Navigate Move Page Mark Exit CH FAV RETURN PopUp Menu Navigate Move Page Mark Exit CH FAV RETURN PopUp Menu Drive1 Drive1 Butterfly Upper Photo X Box 1366x768 125KB View Mark All Delete Cancel...

Page 12: ...t the target folder or drive Select the desired photos Show the Popup menu 5 Select View The selected photo is displayed in full size 2 3 1 4 ENTER ENTER ENTER USB Device Page 1 1 No Marked PHOTO LIST Upper Free Space 150MB 2Folders 4Files USB Device Page 1 1 No Marked PHOTO LIST Upper Free Space 150MB 1366x768 125KB TOP FOLDER Drive1 Navigate Move Page Mark Exit CH FAV RETURN PopUp Menu Navigate ...

Page 13: ...slide show continues for a maximum of 4 hours After 4 hours the slide show will end and go to TV mode or external input mode G BGM Listen to music while viewing photos in full size Set the BGM device and album in Option G Rotate Rotate photos Rotates the photo 90 180 270 360 clockwise G Delete Delete photos G Option Set values for Slide S Speed and Music Folder Use button and ENTER button to set v...

Page 14: ...MPEG2 16000 24000 22050Hz MPEG2 5 16 48KHz Moves to upper level file Preview If any album jacket for the file exists this jack et is displayed Current page Total pages Total number of marked musics Usable USB memory Corresponding buttons on the remote control 1 3 4 5 6 2 Select USB Select MUSIC L LIST 1 2 MENU ENTER ENTER USB Device MUSIC LIST Upper Free Space 150MB 3945 KB 128 Kbps Title Play Tim...

Page 15: ...g USB Device Page 1 1 No Marked MUSIC LIST Upper Free Space 150MB 3945 KB 128 Kbps Drive1 Arirang Navigate Move Page Mark Exit CH FAV RETURN PopUp Menu Play Time Title Upper Good Bye Arirang 05 30 04 12 3945 KB 128 Kbps Play Play with Photo Mark All Delete Cancel G Play During stop Play the selected music Once a song finishes playing the next selected one will be played When there are no selected ...

Page 16: ... screen for a extended period of time NOTE G When music is playing is displayed in front of the music play time G A damaged or corrupted music file that does not play displays 00 00 as the play time G Music files with copy protection will not play G Press ENTER A or RETURN button to stop the screen saver G This TV can not play music files less than 16 Kbytes ...

Page 17: ...ter watch ing video that did not fill the screen any after image from the black bars will normally dissipate after a few minutes You can also adjust Aspect R Ratio in the Q Menu Enter Move PICTURE E Enter Move PICTURE E R G Aspect Ratio 16 9 Picture Mode Standard Backlight 80 Contrast 90 Brightness 50 Sharpness 60 Color 60 Tint 0 Aspect Ratio 16 9 Picture Mode Standard Backlight 80 Contrast 90 Bri...

Page 18: ...op and bottom portions of the picture will be cropped Zoom 2 Choose Zoom 2 when you want the picture to be altered both vertically extended and cropped The picture taking a halfway trade off between alteration and screen coverage Just Scan Following selection will lead to you view the pic ture of best quality without loss of original pic ture in high resolution image Notes If there are noise in or...

Page 19: ...he optimum picture quality at the factory and are not adjustable When selecting Intelligent S Sensor Except 32 37 42LG30 Plasma TV the most suitable picture is automatically adjusted according to the surrounding conditions You can also adjust Picture M Mode in the Q M Menu Enter Move PICTURE E 1MENU 3 2 ENTER ENTER Aspect Ratio 16 9 Picture Mode Standard Backlight 80 Contrast 90 Brightness 50 Shar...

Page 20: ...or Warm 4 Brightness 50 Sharpness 60 Color 60 Tint 0 Advanced Control Reset Screen RGB PC TruMotion Demo Select Advanced C Control 2 ENTER 5RETURN Return to the previous menu MENU Return to TV viewing R G Enter Move PICTURE E Brightness 50 Sharpness 60 Color 60 Tint 0 Advanced Control Reset Screen RGB PC TruMotion Demo R G Color Temperature F Medium G Fresh Contrast Off Fresh Color Off Noise Reduc...

Page 21: PICTURE Select PICTURE Make appropriate adjustments Select Backlight Only LCD TV Contrast Brightness Sharpness Color or Tint 1MENU Select Picture M Mode 2 ENTER Select Vivid Standard Cinema Sport or Game 3 ENTER 4 ENTER 5 ENTER E Aspect Ratio 16 9 Picture Mode Standard Backlight 80 Contrast 90 Brightness 50 Sharpness 60 Color 60 Tint 0 R G Backlight 80 E E E E Enter 6RETURN Return to the previo...

Page 22: ...users Enter Move PICTURE E Aspect Ratio 16 9 Picture Mode Standard Backlight 80 Contrast 90 Brightness 50 Sharpness 60 Color 60 Tint 0 R G Intelligent Sensor Vivid Standard Cinema Sport Game Expert1 Expert2 7RETURN Return to the previous menu MENU Return to TV viewing Enter Move PICTURE E Brightness 50 Sharpness 60 Color 60 Tint 0 Expert Control Reset Screen RGB PC TruMotion Demo R G F Off G Fresh...

Page 23: ...lay high contrast images Select PICTURE Select Advanced C Control Select Fresh C Contrast Fresh C Color Noise R Reduction or Gamma 1MENU 3 2 ENTER ENTER 5RETURN Return to the previous menu MENU Return to TV viewing Select your desired options 4 Enter Move PICTURE E Brightness 50 Sharpness 60 Color 60 Tint 0 Advanced Control Reset Screen RGB PC TruMotion Demo R G Enter Move PICTURE E Brightness 50 ...

Page 24: ...creen gets brighter Auto Realizing the black level of the screen and set it to High or Low auto matically 5RETURN Return to the previous menu MENU Return to TV viewing Enter Move PICTURE E Brightness 50 Sharpness 60 Color 60 Tint 0 Advanced Control Reset Screen RGB PC TruMotion Demo R G Enter Move PICTURE E Brightness 50 Sharpness 60 Color 60 Tint 0 Advanced Control Reset Screen RGB PC TruMotion D...

Page 25: ...TURN Return to the previous menu MENU Return to TV viewing Enter Move PICTURE E Brightness 50 Sharpness 60 Color 60 Tint 0 Advanced Control Reset Screen RGB PC TruMotion Demo R G Enter Move PICTURE E Brightness 50 Sharpness 60 Color 60 Tint 0 Advanced Control Reset Screen RGB PC TruMotion Demo R G Color Temperature Medium Fresh Contrast Off Fresh Color Off Noise Reduction Auto Gamma Medium Black L...

Page 26: ...U 3 2 ENTER ENTER Select On or Off 4 5RETURN Return to the previous menu MENU Return to TV viewing Enter Move PICTURE E Brightness 50 Sharpness 60 Color 60 Tint 0 Advanced Control Reset Screen RGB PC TruMotion Demo R G Enter Move PICTURE E Brightness 50 Sharpness 60 Color 60 Tint 0 Advanced Control Reset Screen RGB PC TruMotion Demo R G Color Temperature Medium Fresh Contrast Off Fresh Color Off N...

Page 27: ...ed C Control Select TruMotion 1MENU 3 2 ENTER ENTER High Provides smoother picture movement Low Provides smooth picture movement Use this setting for standard use Off Use this setting when High and Low setting result in noise If you enable TruMotion noise may appear on the screen If this occurs set TruMotion to Off Select Off Low or High 4 5RETURN Return to the previous menu MENU Return to TV view...

Page 28: ...p TruMotion 1MENU 2 ENTER Select TruMotion O On or Off 3 ENTER 4 MENU TruMotion On TruMotion Off Use this feature to see the difference TruMotion makes TruMotion works with all inputs except PC mode Enter Move PICTURE E Brightness 50 Sharpness 60 Color 60 Tint 0 Advanced Control Reset Screen RGB PC TruMotion Demo R G ...

Page 29: ...t Initialize the adjusted value 1MENU 3 2 ENTER ENTER 4MENU Return to TV viewing Enter Move PICTURE E Brightness 50 Sharpness 60 Color 60 Tint 0 Advanced Control Reset Screen RGB PC TruMotion Demo R G Enter Move PICTURE E Brightness 50 Sharpness 60 Color 60 Tint 0 Advanced Control Reset Screen RGB PC TruMotion Demo R G Resetting video configuration i i ...

Page 30: ... Light Select OPTION Select Power I Indicator 1MENU 2 ENTER Select Srartup S Sound Standby Light Power L Light or Demo M Mode 3 ENTER Select your desired options 4 5RETURN Return to the previous menu MENU Return to TV viewing Startup S Sound If you select On there will be a start up sound Standby L Light Power L Light Off Power Standby indicator will turn off On Power Standby indicator will turn o...

Page 31: ... sticking is never a problem ISM is not necessary set to Normal Orbiter Orbiter may help prevent ghost images However it is best not to allow any fixed image to remain on the screen To avoid a ghost image on the screen the image will move every 2 min utes Inversion Inversion will automatically invert the plasma display panel color every 30 minutes White W Wash White Wash removes ghost images from ...

Page 32: ...D 1 Language English Input Label SIMPLINK On Key Lock Off Caption Off ISM Method Normal Power Saving Level 0 Set ID 1 Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 0 is the brightest Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 You can also adjust Power S Saving in the Q M Menu E E Select OPTION Select Power S Saving 1MENU 2 ENTER Select Level 0 0 Level 1 1 Level 2 2 Level 3 3 or Level 4 4 3 ENTER 4RET...

Page 33: Select AUDIO Select Auto V Volume Select On or Off Enter Move AUDIO E L R Enter Move AUDIO E L R 1MENU 3 2 ENTER ENTER Auto Volume Off Clear Voice On Balance 0 Sound Mode Standard SRS TruSurround XT Off Treble 50 Bass 50 Reset Auto Volume On Clear Voice On Balance 0 Sound Mode Standard SRS TruSurround XT Off Treble 50 Bass 50 Reset Off On 4RETURN Return to the previous menu MENU Return to TV vi...

Page 34: ...ustable Select AUDIO Select Sound M Mode Select Standard Music Cinema Sport or Game 1MENU 3 2 ENTER ENTER Enter Move AUDIO E L R Enter Move AUDIO E L R Auto Volume Off Clear Voice On Balance 0 Sound Mode Standard SRS TruSurround XT Off Treble 50 Bass 50 Reset Auto Volume Off Clear Voice On Balance 0 Sound Mode Standard SRS TruSurround XT Off Treble 50 Bass 50 Reset Standard Music Cinema Sport Game...

Page 35: ...Voice On Balance 0 Sound Mode Standard SRS TruSurround XT Off Treble 50 Bass 50 Reset Select AUDIO Select SRS T TruSurround X XT Select On or Off 1MENU 3 2 ENTER ENTER SRS T TruSurround X XT Takes advantage of any multi channel format without needing to add extra speakers or equipment Dialog clarity bass enrichment and the addition of stereo audio enhancement produces an immersive sound experience...

Page 36: ...ear V Voice in the Q Menu Enter Move AUDIO E L R Enter Move AUDIO E L R Auto Volume Off Clear Voice On Balance 0 Sound Mode Standard SRS TruSurround XT Off Treble 50 Bass 50 Reset Auto Volume Off Clear Voice On Balance 0 Sound Mode Standard SRS TruSurround XT Off Treble 50 Bass 50 Reset Off On Select AUDIO Select Clear V Voice Select On or Off 1MENU 3 2 ENTER ENTER 4RETURN Return to the previous m...

Page 37: your taste and room situations Enter Move AUDIO Enter Move AUDIO L R E Auto Volume Off Clear Voice On Balance 0 Sound Mode Standard SRS TruSurround XT Off Treble 50 Bass 50 Reset L R E Auto Volume Off Clear Voice On Balance 0 Sound Mode Standard SRS TruSurround XT Off Treble 50 Bass 50 Reset Close E E Balance 0 L R 4RETURN Return to the previous menu MENU Return to TV viewing ...

Page 38: ... Sound Mode Standard SRS TruSurround XT Off Treble 50 Bass 50 Reset TV Speaker On Select AUDIO Select TV S Speaker Select On or Off 1MENU 3 2 ENTER ENTER 4RETURN Return to the previous menu MENU Return to TV viewing L R Enter Move AUDIO E Clear Voice On Balance 0 Sound Mode Standard SRS TruSurround XT Off Treble 50 Bass 50 Reset TV Speaker On L R Off On ...

Page 39: ...U 2 ENTER Initialize the adjusted value 3 ENTER Enter Move AUDIO E L R Auto Volume Off Clear Voice On Balance 0 Sound Mode Standard SRS TruSurround XT Off Treble 50 Bass 50 Reset Resetting audio configuration i 4MENU Return to TV viewing Enter Move AUDIO L R E Auto Volume Off Clear Voice On Balance 0 Sound Mode Standard SRS TruSurround XT Off Treble 50 Bass 50 Reset ...

Page 40: ...ard Off F English G Off Add Eject Aspect Ratio Backlight Clear Voice Picture Mode Sound Mode Caption Multi Audio Sleep Timer Del Add Fav USB Eject CH Select SAP Select Mono Stereo or SAP Return to TV viewing 1Q MENU 3 2 Q MENU Select Multi A Audio Select other languages Return to TV viewing 1Q MENU 3 2 Q MENU Analog TV Digital TV Q Menu Close 3 16 9 Vivid Off Standard Off F English G Off Add Eject...

Page 41: ... 1MENU 3 2 ENTER ENTER Select your desired language English Spanish or French 4 Enter Move OPTION Language English Input Label SIMPLINK On Key Lock Off Caption Off ISM Method Normal Power Saving Level 0 Set ID 1 Menu English Audio F English G Close Enter Move OPTION E E Language English Input Label SIMPLINK On Key Lock Off Caption Off ISM Method Normal Power Saving Level 0 Set ID 1 5RETURN Return ...

Page 42: ...t on the on screen menus will be shown in the selected language 4 Enter Move OPTION Language English Input Label SIMPLINK On Key Lock Off Caption Off ISM Method Normal Power Saving Level 0 Set ID 1 Enter Move OPTION E E Language English Input Label SIMPLINK On Key Lock Off Caption Off ISM Method Normal Power Saving Level 0 Set ID 1 Menu F English G Audio English Close 5RETURN Return to the previou...

Page 43: ...lect On 1MENU 3 2 ENTER ENTER Select CC1 4 or Text1 4 4 Enter Move OPTION Enter Move OPTION Language English Input Label SIMPLINK On Key Lock Off Caption Off ISM Method Normal Power Saving Level 0 Set ID 1 Language English Input Label SIMPLINK On Key Lock Off Caption CC1 ISM Method Normal Power Saving Level 0 Set ID 1 Mode CC1 Close Digital Option F On G Analog Broadcasting System Captions When se...

Page 44: ... set On Select OPTION Select Caption Select On 1MENU 3 2 ENTER ENTER Select CC1 4 Text1 4 or Service1 6 4 Enter Move OPTION Enter Move OPTION Language English Input Label SIMPLINK On Key Lock Off Caption Off ISM Method Normal Power Saving Level 0 Set ID 1 Language English Input Label SIMPLINK On Key Lock Off Caption CC1 ISM Method Normal Power Saving Level 0 Set ID 1 E E Mode CC1 Close Digital Opt...

Page 45: ...ENTER Select Custom 5 ENTER Customize the Style Font etc to your preference A preview icon is provided at the bottom of the screen use it to see the caption language 6 Select Digital O Option 4 Size A Standard Font Font 1 Text Color White Text Opacity Solid Edge Type None Edge Color Black Bg Color Black Bg Opacity Solid Close F Custom G Size Set the word size Font Select a typeface for the text Te...

Page 46: ... Off Sleep Timer Off Auto Sleep Off Clock Feb 21 2008 2 10 AM Off Time Off On Time Off Sleep Timer Off Auto Sleep Off Year Month 2 Date 21 Hour 2 AM 2008 Minute 10 Time Zone Eastern Daylight Saving Auto Close F Auto G Select TIME Select Clock Select Auto 1MENU 3 2 ENTER ENTER Select your viewing area time zone U S A Eastern Central Mountain Pacific Alaska or Hawaii Canada Eastern Central Mountain ...

Page 47: ...ff Clock Feb 21 2008 2 10 AM Off Time Off On Time Off Sleep Timer Off Auto Sleep Off Year Month 2 Date 21 Hour 2 AM 2008 Minute 10 Time Zone Eastern Daylight Saving Auto Close F Manual G Select TIME Select Clock Select Manual 1MENU 3 2 ENTER ENTER Select the Year Month Date Hour or Minutes option 4 Set the Year Month Date Hour or Minutes option 5 6RETURN Return to the previous menu MENU Return to ...

Page 48: ...on Select Input Select TV AV1 2 Component1 2 RGB PC or HDMI1 4 Enter Move TIME Enter Move TIME Clock Feb 21 2008 2 10 AM Off Time Off On Time Off Sleep Timer Off Auto Sleep Off Clock Feb 21 2008 2 10 AM Off Time Off On Time 6 30 AM Once Sleep Timer Off Auto Sleep Off Repeat F Once G Hour 6 AM Minute 30 Input TV Channel TV 2 0 Volume 30 Close Select TIME Select Off t time or On t time Select Repeat...

Page 49: ... the Q Menu Enter Move TIME Enter Move TIME Clock Feb 21 2008 2 10 AM Off Time Off On Time Off Sleep Timer Off Auto Sleep Off Clock Feb 21 2008 2 10 AM Off Time Off On Time Off Sleep Timer Off Auto Sleep Off Select TIME Select Sleep T Timer Select Off 10 20 30 60 90 120 180 or 240 minutes 1MENU 3 2 ENTER ENTER Close F Off G 4RETURN Return to the previous menu MENU Return to TV viewing ...

Page 50: ...08 2 10 AM Off Time Off On Time Off Sleep Timer Off Auto Sleep Off Clock Feb 21 2008 2 10 AM Off Time Off On Time Off Sleep Timer Off Auto Sleep On Select TIME Select Auto S Sleep Select On or Off 1MENU 3 2 ENTER ENTER Off On TV will be automatically turned off in case of No Signal for 10 minutes 4RETURN Return to the previous menu MENU Return to TV viewing ...

Page 51: ...egories Movies that have been shown at the theaters or direct to video movies use the Movie Rating System MPAA only Ratings for Television programs including made for TV movies TV G General audience TV PG Parental guidance suggested TV 14 Parents strongly cautioned TV MA Mature audience only TV Y All children TV Y7 Children 7 years older Set up blocking schemes to block specific channels ratings a...

Page 52: ...General Downloadable Rating Input Block Select Lock S System Select On or Off 4 3 ENTER Enter Move LOCK Lock System On Set Password Block Channel Movie Rating TV Rating Children TV Rating General Downloadable Rating Input Block Off On When you select On the Lock System is enable Select LOCK 1MENU ENTER Input the password 21 4 5 6 7 8 0 9 2 3 5RETURN Return to the previous menu MENU Return to TV vi...

Page 53: Select Set p password Choose any 4 digits for your new password As soon as the 4 digits are entered re enter the same 4 digits on the Confirm 4 3 ENTER 1 4 5 6 7 8 0 9 2 3 Enter Move LOCK Lock System Off Set Password Block Channel Movie Rating TV Rating Children TV Rating General Downloadable Rating Input Block Close New Confirm Select LOCK 1MENU ENTER Input the password 21 4 5 6 7 8 0 9 2 3 5R...

Page 54: ... Select Block C Channel Select a channel to block or unblock 4 3 ENTER Block or unblock a channel 5 ENTER Blocks any channels that you do not want to watch or that you do not want your children to watch Select LOCK 1MENU ENTER Input the password 21 4 5 6 7 8 0 9 2 3 6MENU Return to the previous menu RETURN Return to TV viewing Block Unblock Move Page CH Move Previous MENU Exit RETURN ...

Page 55: ...General Downloadable Rating Input Block Select Movie R Rating Select G PG PG 13 R NC 17 X or Blocking O Off 4 3 ENTER Enter Move LOCK Lock System Off Set Password Block Channel Movie Rating TV Rating Children TV Rating General Downloadable Rating Input Block Blocking off Permits all programs G PG PG 13 R NC 17 X Blocking Off G General audience PG Parental guidance suggested PG 13 Parents strongly ...

Page 56: ... General Downloadable Rating Input Block Age applies to TV Y TV Y7 Fantasy Violence applies to TV Y7 TV Rating Children For USA only Prevents children from watching certain children s TV programs according to the ratings limit set The children rating does not apply to other TV programs Unless you block certain TV programs intended for mature audi ences in the TV Rating sub menu your children can v...

Page 57: ...Violence 4 3 ENTER Select block options 5 ENTER Enter Move LOCK Lock System Off Set Password Block Channel Movie Rating TV Rating Children TV Rating General Downloadable Rating Input Block Age applies to TV G TV PG TV 14 TV MA Dialogue sexual dialogue applies to TV PG TV 14 Language adult language applies to TV PG TV 14 TV MA Sex sexual situations applies to TV PG TV 14 TV MA Violence applies to T...

Page 58: Move LOCK Lock System Off Set Password Block Channel TV Rating English TV Rating French Downloadable Rating Input Block Blocking off Permits all programs E C C8 G PG 14 18 Blocking Off E Exempt C Children C8 Children eight years and older G General programming suitable for all audiences PG Parental Guidance 14 Viewers 14 years and older 18 Adult programming Blocking Off Permits all programs Sel...

Page 59: ...Lock System Off Set Password Block Channel TV Rating English TV Rating French Downloadable Rating Input Block Blocking off Permits all programs E G 8ans 13ans 16ans 18ans Blocking Off E Exempt G General 8ans General Not convenient for lit tle children 13ans Not convenient for children of 13 years and younger 16ans Not convenient for children of 16 years and younger 18ans This programs is only for ...

Page 60: ... Enter Move LOCK Lock System Off Set Password Block Channel Movie Rating TV Rating Children TV Rating General Downloadable Rating Input Block Humor Sport Cruelty Language Sadness Genre Age Close E E Select Downloadable R Rating Select desired Downloadable Rating option 4 3 ENTER Select desired option and block it 5 ENTER Select LOCK 1MENU ENTER Input the password 21 4 5 6 7 8 0 9 2 3 6RETURN Retur...

Page 61: ...Block Select input source 4 3 Select On or Off 5 ENTER Enter Move LOCK Lock System Off Set Password Block Channel Movie Rating TV Rating Children TV Rating General Downloadable Rating Input Block AV1 F Off G AV2 Off Component1 Off HDMI1 Off RGB PC Off Component2 Off HDMI2 Off HDMI3 Off HDMI4 Off Close Select LOCK 1MENU ENTER Input the password 21 4 5 6 7 8 0 9 2 3 6RETURN Return to the previous me...

Page 62: ... English Input Label SIMPLINK On Key Lock Off Caption Off ISM Method Normal Power Saving Level 0 Set ID 1 Language English Input Label SIMPLINK On Key Lock On Caption Off ISM Method Normal Power Saving Level 0 Set ID 1 Off On Select On or Off 3 ENTER In Key L Lock On if the TV is turned off press the r r I INPUT CH button on the TV or POWER INPUT CH or NUMBER buttons on the remote control With the...

Page 63: ...duct is turned on Try another channel The problem may be with the broadcast Is the power cord inserted into wall power outlet Check your antenna direction and or location Test the wall power outlet plug another product s power cord into the outlet where the product s power cord was plugged in This is normal the image is muted during the product startup process Please contact your service center if...

Page 64: ...Vertical bar or stripe on background Horizontal Noise Incorrect position Press the VOL or VOLUME button Sound muted Press MUTE button Try another channel The problem may be with the broadcast Are the audio cables installed properly Adjust Balance in menu option A change in ambient humidity or temperature may result in an unusual noise when the product is turned on or off and does not indicate a fa...

Page 65: ...m water and a little fabric softener or dish washing detergent Wring the cloth until it s almost dry and then use it to wipe the screen Make sure the excess water is off the screen and then let it air dry before you turn on your TV Cleaning the Cabinet To remove dirt or dust wipe the cabinet with a soft dry lint free cloth Please be sure not to use a wet cloth Extended Absence G If you expect to l...

Page 66: ...82 3 x 293 8 mm 36 2 x 24 0 x 3 5 inches 919 6 x 610 3 x 89 0 mm 41 4 pounds 18 8 kg 35 7 pounds 16 2 kg 40 6 x 29 2 x 1 1 5 inches 1032 8x742 3x293 8mm 40 6 x 26 3 x 3 6 inches 1032 8x670 1x92 0mm 52 0 pounds 23 6 kg 46 2 pounds 21 0 kg Dimensions Width x Height x Depth Weight With stand Without stand With stand Without stand 36 8 x 26 9 x 1 1 5 inches 936 4 x 685 4 x 293 4 mm 36 8 x 24 1 x 3 4 i...

Page 67: ... 44 9 pounds 20 4 kg Dimensions Width x Height x Depth Weight With stand Without stand With stand Without stand 45 3 x 34 1 x 17 1 inches 1 152 8 x 868 6 x 434 5 mm 45 3 x 32 3 x 3 1 inches 1 152 8 x 820 8 x 79 0 mm 72 3 pounds 32 8 kg 59 9 pounds 27 2 kg 50 3 x 37 1 x 16 9 inches 1280 1 x 944 7 x 430 0 mm 50 3 x 35 2 x 3 5 inches 1280 1 x 896 0 x 89 0 mm 99 2 pounds 45 kg 83 9 pounds 38 1 kg MODE...

Page 68: ...on With stand Without stand With stand Without stand Operating Temperature Operating Humidity Storage Temperature Storage Humidity 42PG60 42PG60 UA 50PG60 50PG60F UA 60PG60 60PG60F UA 41 1 x 28 9 x 12 1 inches 1044 4 x 735 4 x 308 0 mm 41 1 x 26 7 x 3 1 inches 1044 4 x 680 6 x 79 6 mm 61 7 pounds 28 0 kg 55 1 pounds 25 0 kg 48 6 x 33 4x 14 3 inches 1235 6 x 849 3 x 364 1 mm 48 6 x 31 2 x 3 1 inche...

Page 69: ...sponds correctly If the component does not operate correctly the remote control requires programming to operate the device Turn on the component to be programmed then press the corresponding mode button such as STB on the remote control The remote control button of the desired device is illuminated Press the MENU and MUTE buttons simultaneously and the remote control is ready to be programmed with...

Page 70: ...MINOLTA 013 020 MITSUBISHI 013 020 045 046 049 051 059 061 151 MTC 034 040 MULTITECH 024 034 NEC 012 023 039 043 048 NORDMENDE 043 OPTONICA 053 054 PANASONIC 066 070 074 083 133 140 145 PENTAX 013 020 031 033 063 PHILCO 031 034 067 PHILIPS 031 033 034 054 067 071 101 PILOT 101 PIONEER 013 021 048 PORTLAND 108 PULSAR 072 QUARTZ 01 1 014 QUASAR 033 066 075 145 RCA 013 020 033 034 040 041 062 063 107...

Page 71: ...NORSAT 069 070 PACE SKY SATELLITE 143 PANASONIC 060 142 PANSAT 121 PERSONAL CABLE 1 17 PHILIPS 071 PICO 105 PRESIDENT 019 102 PRIMESTAR 030 1 10 1 1 1 PROSAT 072 RCA 066 106 REALISTIC 043 074 SAMSUNG 123 SATELLITE SERVICE CO 028 035 047 057 085 SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA 032 138 SONY 103 STARCAST 041 SUPER GUIDE 020 124 125 TEECOM 023 026 075 087 088 090 107 130 137 TOSHIBA 002 127 UNIDEN 016 025 042 043 ...

Page 72: ... D6 D7 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Lead code Low custom code High custom code Data code Data code Repeat code Tf 4 5 ms 9 ms 2 25 ms 9 ms 0 55 ms 0 56 ms 1 12 ms 0 56 ms 2 24 ms Tf Tf Tf 108ms 455KHz Bit 0 Bit 1 1 How to Connect Connect your wired remote control to the Remote Control port on the TV 2 Remote Control IR Codes Output waveform Single pulse modulated with 37 917KHz signal at 455KHz T1 Tc C...

Page 73: ...control Button 03 VOL Remote control Button 00 CH Remote control Button 01 CH Remote control Button 1E FAV Remote control Button 40 Remote control Button 41 Remote control Button 07 Remote control Button 06 Remote control Button 44 ENTER Remote control Button 5B RETURN Remote control Button 7E SIMPLINK Remote control Button 30 AV MODE Remote control Button B0 PLAY Remote control Button BA PAUSE Re...

Page 74: ...o test functionality using telenet software REMOTE CONTROL IN CABLE IN RS 232C IN CONTROL SERVICE R OPTICAL COAXIAL DIGITALAUDIO OUT AUDIO OUT AV IN 1 VIDEO L R MONO AUDIO S VIDEO Type of Connector D Sub 9 Pin Male No Pin Name 1 No connection 2 RXD Receive data 3 TXD Transmit data 4 DTR DTE side ready 5 GND 6 DSR DCE side ready 7 RTS Ready to send 8 CTS Clear to send 9 No Connection 1 6 5 9 PC Com...

Page 75: ...D Sub 9 D Sub 9 7 Wire Configuration Serial female female NULL modem cable 3 Wire Configurations Not standard Enter Move OPTION Enter Move OPTION Language English Input Label SIMPLINK On Key Lock Off Caption Off ISM Method Power Saving Level 0 Set ID 1 Language English Input Label SIMPLINK On Key Lock Off Caption Off ISM Method Power Saving Level 0 Set ID 1 E E Select OPTION Select Set I ID Choose...

Page 76: ... the status during the standby mode OK A Acknowledgement The TV transmits ACK acknowledgement based on this for mat when receiving normal data At this time if the data is data read mode it indicates present status data If the data is data write mode it returns the data of the PC computer In this model TV will not send the status during the standby mode Data Format Command 2 Use as command Set ID U...

Page 77: ...d To select screen mute on off Transmission k d Set ID Data Cr Data 00 Screen mute off Picture on Data 01 Screen mute on Picture off Acknowledgement d Set ID OK NG Data x 05 V Volume M Mute Command k k e e To control volume mute on off You can also adjust mute using the MUTE button on remote control Transmission k e Set ID Data Cr Data 00 Volume mute on Volume off Data 01 Volume mute off Volume on...

Page 78: ...ock on Acknowledgement m Set ID OK NG Data x If you re not using the remote control and front panel controls on the TV use this mode When main power is on off remote control lock is released 14 T Treble Command k k r r To adjust treble You can also adjust treble in the AUDIO menu Transmission k r Set ID Data Cr Data Min 00 Max 64 transmit by Hexadecimal code Refer to Real data mapping 1 as shown A...

Page 79: ... set Acknowledgement u Set ID OK NG Data x 21 C Channel T Tuning Command m m a a To tune channel to following physical major minor number Transmission m a Set ID Data00 Data01 Data02 Data03 Data04 Data05 Cr Digital channels have a Physical Major and Minor channel number The Physical number is the actual digital channel number the Major is the number that the channel should be mapped to and the Min...

Page 80: ...s 30 00 1E Data 03 04 Minor is 3 00 03 Data 05 0010 0010 in binary 22 Total ma 00 00 00 1E 00 03 22 Acknowledgement a Set ID OK Data00 Data01 Data02 Data03 Data04 x a Set ID NG Data00 x 22 C Channel A Add Del Command m m b b To add and delete the channels Transmission m b Set ID Data Cr Data 00 Channel Delete Data 01 Channel Add Acknowledgement b Set ID OK NG Data x 23 K Key Command m m c c To sen...

Page 81: ...ors reputations Finally any free program is threatened constantly by software patents We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free program will individually obtain patent licenses in effect making the program proprietary To prevent this we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone s free use or not licensed at all The precise terms and conditions for copying dis...

Page 82: readable copy of the corresponding source code to be distributed under the terms of sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange or c Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute corresponding source code This alter native is allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you received the program in object code or exe cuta...

Page 83: ...the body of this license 9 The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and or new versions of the General Public License from time to time Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present ver sion but may differ in detail to address new problems or con cerns Each version is given a distinguishing version number If the program specifies a version number of this license which applies ...

Page 84: Foundation Inc 51 Franklin Street Fifth Floor Boston MA 021 10 1301 USA Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail If the program is interactive make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode Gnomovision version 69 Copyright C year name of author Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY for details type show w This is free softwar...

Page 85: ...y for the free library Also if the library is mod ified by someone else and passed on the recipients should know that what they have is not the original version so that the origi nal author s reputation will not be affected by problems that might be introduced by others Finally software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of any free program We wish to make sure that a company can not ...

Page 86: ...copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty keep intact all the notices that refer to this license and to the absence of any warranty and distribute a copy of this license along with the Library You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee 2 You may modify your copy or copies of the L...

Page 87: ... ten lines or less in length then the use of the object file is unrestricted regardless of whether it is legal ly a derivative work Executable containing this object code plus portions of the library will still fall under Section 6 Otherwise if the work is a derivative of the library you may distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6 Any executable containing that work al...

Page 88: ...ny further restrictions on the recipients exercise of the rights granted herein You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with this license 1 1 If as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason not limited to patent issues conditions are imposed on you whether by court order agreement or otherwise that contradict the con di...

Page 89: ...F SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS How to apply these terms to your new libraries If you develop a new library and you want it to be of the great est possible use to the public we recommend making it free soft ware that everyone can redistribute and change You can do so by permitting redistribution under these terms or alter...

Page 90: ... is not already covered code governed by this license 1 10 1 Patent claims means any patent claim s now owned or hereafter acquired including without limitation method process and apparatus claims in any patent licensable by grantor 1 1 1 Source code means the preferred form of the covered code for making modifications to it including all modules it contains plus any associated interface definitio...

Page 91: ...e you distribute You may not offer or impose any terms on any source code version that alters or restricts the applicable version of this license or the recipients rights hereunder However you may include an additional document offering the additional rights described in section 3 5 3 2 Availability of source code Any modification which you create or to which you con tribute must be made available...

Page 92: ...hat any terms which differ from this license are offered by you alone not by the Initial developer or any contributor You hereby agree to indemnify the initial developer and every contributor for any liability incurred by the initial developer or such contributor as a result of any such terms You offer 3 7 Larger works You may create a larger work by combining covered code with other code not gove...

Page 93: ...of the 60 day notice period specified above b any software hardware or device other than such par ticipant s contributor Version directly or indirectly infringes any patent then any rights granted to You by such participant under sections 2 1 b and 2 2 b are revoked effective as of the date you first made used sold distributed or had made modifications made by that participant 8 3 If you assert a ...

Page 94: ...nsed Multiple Licensed means that the initial developer permits you to utilize portions of the covered code under your choice of the NPL or the alternative licenses if any specified by the initial developer in the file described in exhibit A EXHIBIT A Mozilla Public License The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1 1 the license you may not use this file except ...

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