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Copyright LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.
Only for training and service purposes
LGE Internal Use Only
10. ISP Download (option)
10.1 Overview
The Micom upgrade via the external port for the service for
the customer.
10.2 Device to use
1) PC
2) B/D for the interface (IIC & ISP)
3) Jig for downloading (for the power supply)
10.3 Adjustment wiring diagram (Download device
configuration diagram)
10.4 Adjustment condition (Download condition)
- IC name & Circuit number: MYSON MTV416GMF & IC4015
- Power supply: 5V (P4004 Pin 3)
- SCL: D-sub Pin 10
- SDA: D-sub Pin 7
10.5 How to adjust (for downloading)
1) fter executing LGE Monitor Tools v1.1, click the first icon.
(See the figure)
2) When the screen is displayed as shown at the below
figure, set the items as follows:
- MCU Select: MTV512M64
- R/W Option: Auto Write(Verify)
- Jig Option: Myson
- Transmit Speed: Medium
- Check: blank
- PORT: Select the Parallel Port to use (LPT1 in general)
*caution: Select the EPP as LPT from the ROM BIAS setting.
3) Click the Load File Button, and select the desired Hex File
to download.
(If no file is displayed, make sure that the file format is
selected as Hex file (*.hex))
4) Click 'Send Button'
Main B/D
Interface B/D