LG 27UP550 Owner'S Manual Download Page 24




Nothing is displayed on the screen.

Is the monitor's power cord plugged in?


Check if the power cord is correctly plugged into the power outlet.

Is the power LED on?


Check the power cable connection and press the power button. 

Is the power on and the power LED displaying white?


Check that the connected input is enabled (





Is the 

No Signal

 message being displayed?


This is displayed when the signal cable between the PC and the monitor is missing or disconnected. Check the cable and reconnect it.

Is the 

Out of Range

 message being displayed?


This occurs when signals transferred from the PC (graphics card) are out of the horizontal or vertical frequency range of the monitor. Please see the Product 
Specification section of this manual to set the appropriate frequency.

Screen display is unstable and shaky. / Images displayed on the monitor leave shadow trails.

Did you select the appropriate resolution?


If the selected resolution is HDMI 1080i 60/50 Hz (interlaced), the screen may be flickering. Change the resolution to 1080p or the recommended 


Not setting the graphics card to the recommended (optimal) resolution may result in blurred text, a dimmed screen, a truncated display area or 
misalignment of the display.


The setting methods may be different depending on the computer or operating system, and some resolutions may not be available depending on the 
performance of the graphics card. If this is the case, contact the manufacturer of the computer or graphics card for assistance.

Does image sticking occur even when the monitor is turned off?


Displaying a still image for a prolonged time may cause damage to the screen, resulting in the retention of the image.


 To extend the lifetime of the monitor, use a screensaver.

Are there spots on the screen?


When using the monitor, pixilated spots (red, green, blue, white, or black) may appear on the screen. This is normal for an LCD screen. It is not an error, nor 
is it related to the monitor's performance.

Some features are disabled.

Are some functions not available when you press the Menu button?


The OSD is locked.  Disable  

OSD Lock




Summary of Contents for 27UP550

Page 1: ...ithLEDbacklights Pleasereadthismanualcarefullybeforeoperatingyoursetand retainitforfuturereference 27UP550 32UP550 27UP550N 32UP550N OWNER S MANUAL LEDLCDMONITOR LEDMonitor www lg com Copyright 2021LGElectronicsInc AllRightsReserved ...

Page 2: ...sForum Inc VESA VESAlogo DisplayPortcompliancelogoandDisplayPort compliancelogofordual modesourcedevicesareallregistered trademarksoftheVideoElectronicsStandardsAssociation MaxxAudioandadditionalMAXXtrademarksaretrademarksand orregisteredtrademarksofWavesAudioLtd USBType CTM andUSB CTM aretrademarksofUSBImplementersForum TABLE OF CONTENTS LICENSE 2 OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE NOTICE INFORMATION 3 ASSEMBL...

Page 3: ...ttypicalprocedures sotheymaylookdifferentfromtheactualproduct Donotapplyforeignsubstances oils lubricants etc tothescrewpartswhenassemblingtheproduct Doing somaydamagetheproduct Applyingexcessiveforcewhentighteningscrewsmaycausedamagetothemonitor Damagecausedinthis waywillnotbecoveredbytheproductwarranty Donotcarrythemonitorupsidedownbyjustholdingthebase Thismaycausethemonitortofalloffthestand and...

Page 4: ...magedandtoensuresafetransportation regardlessofitsshapeorsize Placethemonitorintheoriginalboxorpackingmaterialbeforeattemptingtomoveit Beforemovingorliftingthemonitor disconnectthepowercordandallothercables Holdthebottomandsideofthemonitorframefirmly Donotholdthepanelitself Whenholdingthemonitor thescreenshouldfaceawayfromyoutopreventitfrombeingscratched Whentransportingthemonitor donotexposethemo...

Page 5: ...aldealerorthenearestretailstore Adjusting the Stand Height 1 Placethemonitormountedonthestandbaseinanuprightposition 2 Handlethemonitorwithbothhandsforsafety Max 110 0 mm 4 3 inches WARNING Whenadjustingthescreenheight donotplaceyourhandonthestandbodytoavoidinjurytoyourfingers Adjusting the Angle 1 Placethemonitormountedonthestandbaseinanuprightposition 2 Adjusttheangleofthescreen Theangleofthescr...

Page 6: ...ght 2 Adjusttheangleofthemonitorinthedirectionofthearrowasshowninthefigure 3 Rotatethemonitorclockwiseasshowninthefigure 4 Completetheinstallationbyrotatingthemonitor90 asshownbelow NOTE AutoPivotfeatureofthedisplayisnotsupported ThescreencanberotatedeasilyusingthescreenpivotshortcutkeyprovidedwithyourWindowsoperating system NotethatsomeWindowsversionsandsomegraphicscarddriversmayusedifferentsetti...

Page 7: ...uresufficientventilation Detailedinstallationinstructionscanbe obtainedfromyourlocalretailstore Alternatively pleaserefertothemanualforhowtoinstallandsetupa tiltingwallmountingbracket 100mm 3 94inches 100mm 3 94inches 100mm 3 94inches 100mm 3 94inches Using the Kensington Lock TheconnectorfortheKensingtonsecuritysystemislocatedatthebackofthemonitor Formoreinformationoninstallationandusage refertot...

Page 8: ...ndard length itmaydamagetheinsideoftheproduct Formoreinformation pleaserefertotheusermanualforthewallmountingbracket CAUTION Unplugthepowercordbeforemovingorinstallingthemonitortoavoidelectricshock Installingthemonitorontheceilingoronaslantedwallmayresultinthemonitorfallingoff whichcouldlead toinjury UseanauthorizedLGwallmountandcontactthelocaldealerorqualifiedpersonnel Applyingexcessiveforcewhent...

Page 9: ...deoandaudiosignalsfromyourPCtothemonitor CAUTION UsingaDVItoHDMI DP DisplayPort toHDMIcablemaycausecompatibilityissues UseacertifiedcablewiththeHDMIlogoattached IfyoudonotuseacertifiedHDMIcable thescreenmaynot displayoraconnectionerrormayoccur RecommendedHDMIcabletypes High SpeedHDMI TM cable High SpeedHDMI TM cablewithEthernet DisplayPort Connection TransmitsdigitalvideoandaudiosignalsfromyourPCt...

Page 10: ...monitortoHostPCusingUSBC C or USBC Acable WhentheUSBC CcableisconnectedbetweenUpstreamportofmonitorandHostPC theDownstreamportof monitorsupportUSB2 0device WhentheUSBC AcableisconnectedbetweenUpstreamportofmonitorandHostPC theDownstreamportof monitorsupportUSB3 0device However HostPCmustsupportUSB3 0function CAUTION CautionsWhenUsingaUSBDevice AUSBdevicewithanautomaticrecognitionprograminstalled o...

Page 11: ... Button Menu Status Description Main menu disabled Enablesthemainmenu Main menu enabled Exitsthemainmenu Holdingdownthebuttonmorethan3secondstoturnoffthemonitor Youcanturnoffthemonitorthiswayatanytime includingwhentheOSDison Main menu disabled Adjuststhemonitorvolumelevel Main menu enabled EnterstheInputfeatures Main menu disabled Adjuststhemonitorvolumelevel Main menu enabled EnterstheSettingsfea...

Page 12: ...cture Mode Setsthepicturemode Exit Exitsthemainmenu Menu Settings 1 ToviewtheOSDmenu pressthejoystickbuttonatthebottomofthemonitorandthenentertheSettings 2 Movethejoystickup downandleft righttosettheoptions 3 Toreturntotheuppermenuorsetothermenuitems movethejoystickto orpressing it 4 IfyouwanttoexittheOSDmenu movethejoystickto untilyouexit Quick Settings Input Picture Sound General ...

Page 13: ...ColorTemp Custom Theusercanadjustittored green orbluebycustomization Warm Setsthescreencolortoareddishtone Medium Setsthescreencolorbetweenaredandbluetone Cool Setsthescreencolortoabluishtone Manual Theusercanfine tunethecolortemperature Waves MaxxAudio 32UP550 32UP550N On MaxxAudio bywaves recipientofaTechnicalGRAMMYAward isasuiteofstudio qualitysoundtoolsforasuperiorlisteningexperience Off Disab...

Page 14: ...ardlessofthevideosignalinput Original Displaysvideoaccordingtotheaspectratioofthevideosignalinput Just Scan Theaspectratioisnotadjustedfromtheoriginal NOTE ThedisplaymaylookthesameforFullWide Original andJustScanoptionsattherecommendedresolution 3840x2160 ThereisnoJust ScanmenuonFreeSyncMode GotoPicture Game Adjust FreeSync tosetfromFreeSync BasicorExtendedtoOff ...

Page 15: ...izesthescreenforhighdynamicrange Reader Optimizesthescreenforviewingdocuments YoucanbrightenthescreenintheOSDmenu Cinema Optimizesthescreenforvideo FPS ThismodeisoptimizedforFPSgames RTS ThismodeisoptimizedforRTSGame ColorWeakness Thismodeisforuserswhocannotdistinguishbetweenredandgreen Itenablesuserswithcolorweaknesstoeasilydistinguish betweenthetwocolors NOTE IfthePicture ModeischangedintheDP Di...

Page 16: ...izedforFPSgames ItissuitableforverydarkFPSgames RTS ThismodeisoptimizedforRTSGame NOTE HDRcontentmaynotdisplaycorrectlydependingonWindow10OSsettings pleasecheckHDROn OffsettingsinWindows WhentheHDRfunctionisturnedon thecharactersorpicturequalitymaybepooraccordingtoGraphiccardperformance WhiletheHDRfunctionison screenflickeringorcrackingmayoccurwhenchangingthemonitorinputorpoweron offaccordingtoGra...

Page 17: ... Bestforstillimagesorimageswithlessmovement Off Displaysinthemostcommonsetting DisablesSUPER RESOLUTION NOTE Becausethisisafunctiontoincreasethesharpnessoflowresolutionpictures itisnotrecommendedtousethefunctionfor normaltextorfordesktopicons Doingsomayresultinunnecessarilyhighsharpness Black Level Setstheoffsetlevel forHDMIonly Offset asareferenceforavideosignal thisisthedarkestcolorthemonitorcan...

Page 18: ...tputsignal CAUTION SupportedInterface DisplayPort HDMI SupportedGraphicCard AgraphiccardthatsupportsAMD sFreeSyncisnecessary SupportedVersion Makesuretoupdatethegraphiccardtothelatestdriver Formoreinformationandrequirement refertoAMDwebsiteathttp www amd com FreeSync Extended EnablewiderfrequencyrangeofFreeSyncfunctionthanbasicmode Thescreenmayflickerduringthegameplay Basic Enablebasicfrequencyran...

Page 19: ...tone Cool Setsthescreencolortoabluishtone Manual Theusercanfine tunethecolortemperature Red Green Blue Youcancustomizethepicturecolorusingred green andbluecolors Six Color Meetstheuserrequirementsforcolorsbyadjustingthehueandsaturationofthesixcolors red green blue cyan magenta and yellow andthensavingthesettings Hue Adjuststhetoneofthescreencolors Saturation Adjuststhesaturationofthescreencolors T...

Page 20: ...me Adjuststhevolumelevel NOTE YoucanadjustMute Unmutebymovingthejoystickbuttonto intheVolumemenu Waves MaxxAudio On MaxxAudio bywaves recipientofaTechnicalGRAMMYAward isasuiteofstudio qualitysoundtoolsforasuperiorlistening experience Off DisablestheMaxxAudiofunction ...

Page 21: ...ppliers IfyouselecttheoptionofSMART ENERGY SAVINGisHighorLow monitorluminancebecomelowerorhigherdependonsource Power LED On ThepowerLEDturnsonautomatically Off ThepowerLEDturnsoff NOTE WhenthePowerLEDfunctionisturnedon itoperatesasfollows OnMode White SleepMode StandbyMode WhiteBlinking OffMode Off Automatic Standby Featurethatautomaticallyturnsoffthemonitorwhenthereisnomovementonthescreenforaperi...

Page 22: ...snotsupportDeepColor thescreenorsoundmaynotworkproperly Inthiscase setthisfunctiontooff TheHDMIULTRAHDDeepColorfunctioncanbesetindividuallyforeachHDMIport TousetheHDRfunction setHDMIULTRAHDDeepColorto On Buzzer ThisfeatureletsyousetthesoundgeneratedfromBuzzerwhenyourmonitorpowerson On Enablesyourmonitor sBuzzer Off Disablesyourmonitor sBuzzer OSD Lock Thisfeaturedisablestheconfigurationandadjustme...

Page 23: ...hilethemonitorisinstandbymode On EnablesDeep sleep Mode Off DisablesDeep sleep Mode NOTE USBHUBfunctionswillnotworkinstandbymodewhileDeep sleep Modeisenabledinstandbymode Information Thefollowingdisplayinformationwillbeshown Total Power OnTime Resolution Reset to Initial Settings Doyouwanttoresetyoursettings Yes Returnstothedefaultsettings No Cancelthereset ...

Page 24: ...ftheselectedresolutionisHDMI1080i60 50Hz interlaced thescreenmaybeflickering Changetheresolutionto1080portherecommended resolution Notsettingthegraphicscardtotherecommended optimal resolutionmayresultinblurredtext adimmedscreen atruncateddisplayareaor misalignmentofthedisplay Thesettingmethodsmaybedifferentdependingonthecomputeroroperatingsystem andsomeresolutionsmaynotbeavailabledependingonthe pe...

Page 25: ...MakesuretocheckifthegraphicscardsupportsPlugandPlayfunction No sound from the headphone port Areimagesdisplayedwithoutsound Makesurethattheheadphoneportconnectionsaremadeproperly Tryincreasingthevolumewiththejoystick SettheaudiooutputofthePCtothemonitoryouareusing Thesettingsmaydifferdependingontheoperatingsystem OS youuse NOTE LEDcanbelightedwithSetOSDMenu Settings General PowerLED On ...

Page 26: ...s Temperature 20 Cto60 C 4 Fto140 F Humidity Lessthan85 Dimensions MonitorSize WidthxHeightxDepth WithStand 622 6x574 1x239 3 mm 24 5x22 6x9 4 inches WithoutStand 622 6x371 0x45 8 mm 24 5x14 6x1 8 inches Weight Without Packaging WithStand 6 3kg 13 8lbs WithoutStand 4 4kg 9 6lbs Thespecificationsaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice The symbolmeansalternatingcurrent andthesymbol meansdirectcurrent Thepow...

Page 27: ...s Temperature 20 Cto60 C 4 Fto140 F Humidity Lessthan85 Dimensions MonitorSize WidthxHeightxDepth WithStand 714 3x597 6x239 3 mm 28 1x23 5x9 5 inches WithoutStand 714 3x420 0x45 7 mm 28 1x16 5x1 7 inches Weight Without Packaging WithStand 8 5kg 18 7lbs WithoutStand 6 7kg 14 7lbs Thespecificationsaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice The symbolmeansalternatingcurrent andthesymbol meansdirectcurrent Thepo...

Page 28: ...N DisplayPort USB C Preset Mode Horizontal Frequency kHz Vertical Frequency Hz Polarity H V Remarks 640x480 31 469 59 94 800x600 37 879 60 317 1024x768 48 363 60 1920x1080 67 5 60 2560x1440 88 79 59 95 3840x2160 66 66 30 3840x2160 133 32 60 DP USB CPreferredtiming ...

Page 29: ... Hz Polarity H V Remarks 640x480 31 469 59 94 800x600 37 879 60 317 1024x768 48 363 60 1152x864 54 347 60 05 1280x720 45 00 60 00 1280x800 49 702 59 810 1280x1024 63 981 60 02 1600x900 60 00 60 00 1920x1080 67 5 60 2560x1440 88 79 59 95 3840x2160 66 66 30 3840x2160 133 32 60 DisplayPortPreferredtiming ...

Page 30: ...tical Frequency Hz Polarity H V Remarks 640x480 31 469 59 94 800x600 37 879 60 317 1024x768 48 363 60 1920x1080 67 5 60 2560x1440 88 79 59 95 3840x2160 66 66 30 HDMIPreferredtiming HDMI ULTRA HD Deep Color Off 3840x2160 135 60 HDMIPreferredtiming HDMI ULTRA HD Deep Color On ...

Page 31: ... 59 94 800x600 37 879 60 317 1024x768 48 363 60 1152x864 54 347 60 05 1280x720 45 00 60 00 1280x800 49 702 59 810 1280x1024 63 981 60 02 1600x900 60 00 60 00 1920x1080 67 5 60 2560x1440 88 79 59 95 3840x2160 67 5 30 HDMIPreferredtiming HDMI ULTRA HD Deep Color Off 3840x2160 135 60 HDMIPreferredtiming HDMI ULTRA HD Deep Color On ...

Page 32: ...32 ENGLISH HDMITiming Video Factory support mode Preset Mode Horizontal Frequency kHz Vertical Frequency Hz Remarks 480p 31 5 60 720p 45 0 60 1080p 67 5 60 2160p 135 60 WhenHDMIULTRAHDDeepColorissettoON ...

Page 33: ...a 315 Picture PictureMode FPS 316 Picture PictureMode RTS 317 Picture PictureMode ColorWeakness 318 Picture PictureAdjust 32 Picture PictureAdjust Brightness 321 Picture PictureAdjust Brightness 3211Slider Picture PictureAdjust Contrast 322 Picture PictureAdjust Contrast 3221Slider Picture PictureAdjust Sharpness 323 Picture PictureAdjust Sharpness 3231Slider Menu Location Picture PictureAdjust SU...

Page 34: ...lor BlueHue 3465 Picture ColorAdjust SixColor BlueHue 34651Slider Picture ColorAdjust SixColor BlueSaturation 3466 Picture ColorAdjust SixColor BlueSaturation 34661Slider Picture ColorAdjust SixColor CyanHue 3467 Picture ColorAdjust SixColor CyanHue 34671Slider Picture ColorAdjust SixColor CyanSaturation 3468 Picture ColorAdjust SixColor CyanSaturation 34681Slider Picture ColorAdjust SixColor Mage...

Page 35: ...utomaticStandby 8H 544 General DisplayPortVersion 55 General DisplayPortVersion 1 4 551 General DisplayPortVersion 1 2 552 General HDMIULTRAHDDeepColor 56 General HDMIULTRAHDDeepColor On 561 General HDMIULTRAHDDeepColor Off 562 General Buzzer 57 Menu Location General Buzzer On 571 General Buzzer Off 572 General OSDLock 58 General OSDLock On 581 General OSDLock Off 582 General OSDSize 59 General OS...

Page 36: ...ononesideoftheproduct Recordthembelowincaseyoueverneedservice Model SerialNo Supplier s Declaration of Conformity TradeName LG ResponsibleParty LGElectronicsUSA Inc Address 111SylvanAvenue NorthBuilding EnglewoodCliffs NJ07632 E mail lg environmental lge com ...
