Introduction / Important Safety Precautions
Information/Precautions Before Using
Before reading
LG Easy Guide
, first check the following information.
LG Easy Guide
has been written for the Windows 10 operating system.
The screen and menu configurations may differ from this manual depending on the status of the
Windows and software update.
Representative images are used in
LG Easy Guide
. Product purchased may differ in appearance and
LG Easy Guide
includes instruction about optional products. There may be information about
products you did not purchase.
The contents of
LG Easy Guide
are subject to change without prior notice.
Use, duplication, or reproduction of any part of
LG Easy Guide
without prior permission from LG
Electronics Inc. is strictly prohibited.
LG Electronics Inc. does not provide warranty for data loss. In order to minimize damage from data
loss, please make backup copies of important data.
The optical disk drive (DVD, CD-ROM, etc.) is optional and may not be provided upon purchasing the
Manufacturers and installers cannot provide services related to human safety as this wireless device
may cause radio interference.
Safety Precaution Notations
The below symbols are to inform you of dangers and safety concerns that you must be aware of. Read
the symbol-indicated instructions with caution to avoid any possible mishap.
Appears in the case of noncompliance with the instruction that may cause serious physical
damage or fatal injuries.
Appears in the case of noncompliance with the instruction that may cause minor damage to the
body or the machine.
Text Notations
The symbols below are used to display information required to use the product. Familiarize yourself
with the instructions marked by the symbols to ensure proper operation of the product.