background image

Displaying Text Messages

To display a text message from the message notification alert, see 
“Text Messages” on page 38 .

To display a text message from the main menu:




and press 





or the custom folder that contains your message

and press 

. (Folders that contain unread messages have an

asterisk (*) before them.)


Messages are displayed in the order they are received. Messages you
have read have a checkmark before them. To display a message,
highlight it and press 





Section 7

Managing Messaging





Clearing the Message Icon

Your phone may temporarily continue to display the icon after you have
checked your messages.

To clear the icon from the display screen:


From the main menu, highlight 


and press 





and press 




Clear Count

and press 





and press 


Page/Text Messages

Numeric Pages

Callers can send a numeric page to your phone when they reach your
voicemail box. Numeric paging to your phone comes at no additional charge.


The numeric paging option for your phone must be turned on for

your phone to receive pages. This option can be set by entering your
voicemail feature options.

Text Messages

When you receive a new text message, your phone alerts you and displays
the message.


to display message options.



to clear the alert.

Text  Message Storage

Your phone can store up to 50 text messages. When the message memory
is 90% full, a warning displays in the messages menu. When your phone
reaches its text message capacity, it automatically deletes the oldest
messages as new messages arrive.


Unread and locked messages will not be automatically deleted

when text messages capacity has been reached. If your phone has a
combined 50 unread and locked messages, any new text messages will
be returned without notification.









Section 7


Managing Messaging

Summary of Contents for 1010

Page 1: ...LG 1010 Online User s Guide ...

Page 2: ...InternalPhoneBookEntry 48 InternalPhoneBookEntryOptions 48 FindingInternalPhoneBookEntries 49 AddingaPhoneNumbertoanInternalPhoneBookEntry 50 EditinganInternalPhoneBookEntry sPhoneNumber 51 TableofContents 1 GettingStarted 1 UnderstandingThisUserGuide 2 TurningYourPhoneONandOFF 2 GettingStarted 3 SettingUpYourVoicemail 4 DisplayingYourPhoneNumber 4 2 GettingtoKnowYourNewPhone 5 FrontViewofPhone 6 ...

Page 3: ...52 SecretInternalPhoneBookEntries 52 10 ChangingYourPhone sSettings 53 AdjustingthePhone sVolumeSettings 54 RingerTypes 54 SelectingRingerTypesforVoiceCalls 54 SelectingRingerTypesforMessages 55 SelectingaToneLength 55 AlertNotification 56 SilentMode 56 ChangingtheBacklightTimeLength 57 ChangingtheGreeting 57 ScreenSaver 58 ChangingtheContrast 59 SelectingaLanguage 59 SecuritySettings 59 Selecting...

Page 4: ...g Started 䊳 Setting Up Your Voicemail 䊳 DisplayingYourPhoneNumber Thissectionwalksyouthroughthestep by stepbasicsofsettingupservice foryourphone includingunlockingandactivatingyourphoneand settingupyourvoicemail Youmayhavealreadycompletedthisstep Ifso skiptoSection2 Onceyouhavecompletedthissection you rereadytoexploretheadvanced featuresofyournewphone ...

Page 5: ...urtechnologyandalltheadvantages ofyournewphone througheasy to followinstructions 䊳 Sections break down categories of information to progressively take you all the way from learning the basics to using the most advanced phone features 䊳 Tips highlight special shortcuts and timely reminders to help you make the most of your new phone 䊳 The Table of Contents and Index help you locate specific informa...

Page 6: ...eeds Section 2 Getting to Know Your New Phone 5 2 Getting to Know Your New Phone SettingUpYourVoicemail Allunansweredcallstoyourphoneareautomaticallytransferredto voicemail evenifyourphoneisinuseorturnedoff Therefore youwill wanttosetupyourvoicemailboxandpersonalgreetingassoonasyour phoneisactivated Tosetupvoicemail 1 Pressandhold 2 Followthesystempromptstocreateyourpasscode recordyour greeting re...

Page 7: ...displaysthenextor previousentryormessage 6 END PWR Letsyoupowerthephoneonoroff endcallsorreturnto thephone smainmenu 7 CLR Letsyouclearanentryorbackupinamenu 8 OK Letsyouplaceacallandselectmenuoptions 9 Microphone Canbemutedduringacallforprivacy Section 2 Getting to Know Your New Phone 7 2 Getting to Know Your New Phone FrontViewofPhone Section 2 6 Getting to Know Your New Phone 1 HeadsetJack 2 Vo...

Page 8: ...Know Your New Phone ViewingtheDisplayScreen Thislistidentifiesthesymbolsyou llseeonyourdisplayscreen 䊳 shows your current signal strength The more lines you have the stronger your signal 䊳 means your phone cannot find a signal 䊳 tells you a call is in progress 䊳 indicates you are roaming off the network available to you 䊳 indicates you have voicemail messages waiting Press and hold to call your vo...

Page 9: ...ouwillloseall theinformationyouwerejustworkingon Foraquickcheckofyour phone sbatterylevel glanceatthebatterychargeindicatorlocatedinthe upper rightcornerofyourphone sdisplayscreen Ifthebatterychargeis gettingtoolow thebatteryicon blinksandthephonesoundsa warningtone Alwaysuseanapproveddesktopcharger travelchargerorvehiclepower adaptertochargeyourbattery Warning Using the wrong battery charger coul...

Page 10: ...Display Screen Yourphone sdisplayscreenalwaysletsyouknowwhenyou reoffthe networkavailabletoyou Thefollowingchartindicateswhatyou llsee dependingonwhereyou reusingyourphone Roaming Indicator YourNetwork OtherDigitalNetworks Tip Remember when you are using your phone off the network always dial numbers using 11 digits 1 area code number Note You will pay a higher per minute rate for roaming calls Ro...

Page 11: ...rgesbyremindingyouwhenyoumakeorreceiveroamingcalls It alsorequiresyoutotakeadditionalstepsbeforeplacingoransweringa roamingcall Theseadditionalstepsarenotrequiredwhenyoumakeor receivecallswhileonthenetworkavailabletoyou To Turn the Call Guard Feature On or Off 1 Fromthemainmenu highlightSettingsandpress 2 HighlightRoamingandpress 3 HighlightCallGuardandpress 4 HighlightOnorOffandpress Note Speed D...

Page 12: ...teandpress OK OK OK PWR END OK OK Section 4 Making and Answering Calls 17 4 Making and Answering Calls MakingCalls Yourphoneoffersmanydifferentwaystomakecalls including SpeedDialing page23 andusingCallHistory page43 Tomakeacallusingyourkeypad 1 Makesureyourphoneison 2 Enteraphonenumber Ifyoumakeamistakewhiledialing press toeraseonedigitatatime Pressandhold toerase theentirenumber 3 Press Tomakeaca...

Page 13: ...lllogisdisplayed onyourscreen TodisplaytheMissedCallentry 䊳 Highlighttheentryandpress Todialthephonenumber press again DialingOptions Dialingoptionsaredisplayedwhenyouenternumbersinthemainmenu Toselectanoption highlightitandpress 䊳 AnInternalPhoneBookEntry todisplaytheentrycontainedinthe speeddiallocationyouentered ifapplicable Press againtodial thespeeddialnumber 䊳 Calltodialthephonenumber Ifyoua...

Page 14: ...all andthefollowingmenuoptionsaredisplayed Toselectanoption highlightitandpress 䊳 OKtoreturntothemainmenu Youcanalsopress 䊳 Calltodialthephonenumber 䊳 SavetosavethephonenumberinyourInternalPhoneBook See SavingaPhoneNumber onthispage Afterreceivingacallfromormakingacalltoaphonenumberthatis alreadyinyourInternalPhoneBook thePhoneBookentrynameand phonenumber thedurationofthecallandthefollowingmenuopt...

Page 15: ... 1 1 9 OK OK OK OK OK Section 4 Making and Answering Calls 23 4 Making and Answering Calls DialingandSavingPhoneNumbersWithPauses Youcandialorsavephonenumberswithpausesforusewithautomated systems suchasvoicemailorcreditcardbillingnumbers Ifyouselecta hardpause thenextsetofnumbersaresentwhenyoupress Ifyou selecta2 secondpause yourphoneautomaticallysendsthenextsetof numbersaftertwoseconds Note You c...

Page 16: ...ntering Characters by Tapping the Keypad 䊳 䊳 Entering Symbols and Numbers Thissectionisaroadmaptousingyourphoneandalsoshowshowtoenter charactersinyourphone Everyfunctionandfeaturecanbeaccessed throughamenu Takeafewmomentstolearnyourwayaroundandhowto entertext You llfindthatitmakesyourphoneeasiertouse Section 5 Navigating through Menus and Entering Text 25 5 Navigating and Entering Text ...

Page 17: ...K Section 5 Navigating through Menus and Entering Text 27 5 Navigating and Entering Text MenuNavigation The4 waynavigatoronyourphoneallowsyoutoscrollthroughmenus quicklyandeasily Thescrollbarattherightofthemenukeepstrackof yourpositioninthemenuatalltimes Tonavigatethroughamenu simplypressthe4 waynavigatorupor down Asyounavigatethroughthemenu menuoptionsarehighlighted Selectanoptionbyhighlightingit...

Page 18: ...No Information Help Settings Sounds Audio Volume Ringer High Vibrate High Medium High Medium Low Low Vibrate Off Key Beep High Medium High Medium Low Low Off Earpiece High Medium High Medium Low Low PWR On Off High Medium High Medium Low Low Off Ringer Type Voice Calls With Caller ID No Caller ID Roaming Messages Voicemail Page Text Tone Length Short Long Alert Service Change On Off Messages On Of...

Page 19: ...npage29 Pressthecorresponding keyuntilthedesiredcharacterappears Bydefault thefirstletterofaword iscapitalizedandfollowinglettersarelowercase Charactersscrollinthefollowingorder 䊳 1 䊳 ABC2 䊳 DEF3 䊳 GHI4 䊳 JKL5 䊳 MNO6 䊳 PQRS7 䊳 TUV8 䊳 WXYZ9 䊳 0 䊳 Space 䊳 Shift Afteracharacterisentered thecursorautomaticallyadvancestothenext spaceaftertwosecondsorwhenyouenteracharacternotonthesamekey EnteringSymbols...

Page 20: ...ngCallerID CallerIDletsyouknowwho scallingbydisplayingthenumberofthe personcallingwhenyourphonerings Similarly ifyoucallsomeonewho hasthisfeature yourphonenumberdisplaysontheirphone Ifthe caller snameandnumberarealreadystoredinyourInternalPhone Book thecorrespondingnameappearswiththenumber Toblockyourphonenumberfrombeingdisplayedforaspecific outgoingcall 1 Press 2 Enterthenumberyouwanttocall 3 Pre...

Page 21: ForwardingYourCalls CallForwardingletsyouforwardallyourincomingcallstoanother phonenumber evenwhenyourphoneisturnedoff Youcancontinueto makecallsfromyourphonewithCallForwardingactivated To Activate Call Forwarding 1 Press 2 Entertheareacodeandphonenumbertowhichyourfuturecalls shouldbeforwarded 3 Press Youwillheartwosetsoftwoshortdialtonestoconfirmthe activationofCallForwarding To Deactivate Ca...

Page 22: ...neissetupyour voicemail seepage4forinstructions KnowingWhenYouHaveMessages Thereareseveralwaysyourphonealertsyou 䊳 Bydisplayingamessageonthescreen 䊳 Bysoundingtheassignedringertype 䊳 BytheLEDblinkingred 䊳 Bydisplaying atthetopofyourscreenforvoicemailmessages or forpage textmessages MessageTypes Therearetwotypesofmessagingfeaturesavailablefromyourphone s menu Youcanreceivevoicemailandpage textmessa...

Page 23: ...tMessages Numeric Pages Callerscansendanumericpagetoyourphonewhentheyreachyour voicemailbox Numericpagingtoyourphonecomesatnoadditionalcharge Note The numeric paging option for your phone must be turned on for your phone to receive pages This option can be set by entering your voicemail feature options Text Messages Whenyoureceiveanewtextmessage yourphonealertsyouanddisplays themessage 䊳 Press tod...

Page 24: ...䊳 Saving a Phone Number From Call History 䊳 䊳 Prepending a Phone Number From Call History 䊳 䊳 Erasing Call History TheCallHistoryhelpsyoumanageyourtimemoreeffectively Itkeeps trackofincomingcalls callsmadefromyourphoneandmissedcalls Thissectionguidesyouthroughaccessingandmakingthemostofyour CallHistory Section 8 Managing Call History 41 8 Managing Call History ...

Page 25: ...estricted OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Section 8 Managing Call History 43 8 Managing Call History ViewingCallHistory Incoming OutgoingandMissed You llfindyourCallHistoryinvaluable Itisalistofthelast10phone numbersorInternalPhoneBookentriesforcallsyouplaced acceptedor missed CallHistorymakesredialinganumberfastandeasy Itis continuallyupdatedasnewnumbersareaddedtothebeginningofthelist andtheoldestentr...

Page 26: ...storedfor thatentry 7 Toselectanoption highlightitandpress 䊳 Donetosavetheentry 䊳 SetSpeedDialtosavethephonenumberinaspeeddiallocation Highlightanavailablelocationandpress See UsingOne Touch Two TouchSpeedDialing onpage23 Afteryouhavesavedthenumber thenewInternalPhoneBookentryis displayed See InternalPhoneBookEntryOptions onpage48 PrependingaPhoneNumberFromCallHistory IfyouneedtomakeacallfromCallH...

Page 27: ...tries 䊳 䊳 Editing Internal Phone Book Entries 䊳 䊳 Selecting a Ringer Type 䊳 䊳 And More Nowyouknowthebasicsthathelpmakeiteasiertostayintouchwith peopleandinformation Thissectionhelpsyoumakethemostofyour contactsanduseyourtimemoreefficientlywhenyouaretryingtoconnect withtheimportantpeopleinyourlife Section 9 Using Your Internal Phone Book 47 9 Internal Phone Book 46 ...

Page 28: ...ress the 4 way navigator to the left to display the Find Name feature OK OK OK OK OK Section 9 Using Your Internal Phone Book 49 9 Internal Phone Book AddingaNewInternalPhoneBookEntry Yourphonecanstoreupto99InternalPhoneBookentries PhoneBook entriescanstoreuptoatotaloffivephonenumbersandtheentry sname cancontainsixteencharacters Toaddanewentry 1 Fromthemainmenu highlightPhoneBookandpress 2 Highlig...

Page 29: ...Secret InternalPhoneBook Entries onpage52 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Section 9 Using Your Internal Phone Book 51 9 Internal Phone Book Finding Speed Dial Numbers Tofindphonenumbersyouhavestoredinspeeddiallocations 1 HighlightPhoneBookandpress 2 HighlightFindSpeedDialandpress 3 Speeddialnumbersaredisplayedinnumericalorder Scrollthrough speeddialentriesbypressingthe4 waynavigatorupordown Youmay alsoentert...

Page 30: ...dpress 3 HighlightRingerTypeandpress 4 Highlightaringertypeandpress Youwillhearapreviewofthe ringertypewhenyouhighlightit SecretInternalPhoneBookEntries Youcanhideanentry sphonenumber s andrequireyourlockcodeto edittheentrybymakingitsecret Theentrynameisstilldisplayed butthe entry sphonenumbersarereplacedby SECRET Tomakeanentrysecret 1 DisplayanInternalPhoneBookentry 2 HighlightEditEntryandpress 3...

Page 31: ...ectRinger KeyBeep EarpieceorPWROn Offandpress 5 Highlightavolumesettingandpress Tip You can adjust the ringer volume in Standby mode or the earpiece volume during a call by using the volume keys on the side of your phone RingerTypes Ringertypeshelpyouidentifyincomingcallsandmessages Youcan assignringertypestoindividualPhoneBookentries typesofcallsand typesofmessages 䊳 PreprogrammedRingersincludeav...

Page 32: ...anging Your Phone s Settings AlertNotification Toenableordisablealertsounds 1 Fromthemainmenu highlightSettingsandpress 2 HighlightSoundsandpress 3 HighlightAlertandpress 4 Selectafeaturebyhighlightingitandpress 䊳 ServiceChangetoalertyouwhenyouexitorenteryour wirelessnetwork 䊳 Messagestoalertyouwhenyoureceiveavoicemail pageor textmessage 䊳 MinuteBeeptohearabeeponceaminutewhenyouareonacall Thebeepi...

Page 33: ...our Phone s Settings 59 10 Changing Your Phone s Settings ScreenSaver YournewphoneoffersyoutheoptionofdisplayingaScreenSaverwhilein Standbymode ToassignanimageforScreen Savermode 1 Fromthemainmenu highlightSettingsandpress 2 HighlightDisplayandpress 3 HighlightScreenSaverandpress 4 HighlightImagesandpress 5 HighlightItem1 Item2orItem3andpress 6 Toselectanoption highlightitandpress 䊳 Viewtoseeaprev...

Page 34: ...rcallsonlybypressing SelectinganAutoAnswerMode ToanswercallswhenyourphoneisconnectedtoanoptionalHands Free CarKit 1 Fromthemainmenu highlightSettingsandpress 2 HighlightSetupandpress 3 HighlightCarAuto Answerandpress 4 Toselectanoption highlightitandpress 䊳 Offtoanswerthephoneusingnormaloperationwhenitisconnectedto aHands FreeCarKit 䊳 CarKittoanswercallsautomaticallyafterthreeringswhenitis connect...

Page 35: ... OK OK 1 1 9 Section 11 Setting Your Phone s Security 63 11 Your Phone s Security AccessingtheSecurityMenu YoumustenteryourlockcodetoviewtheSecuritymenu ToaccesstheSecuritymenu 1 Fromthemainmenu highlightSettingsandpress 2 HighlightSecurityandpress 3 Enteryourlockcode Tip If you can t recall your lock code try using the last four digits of either your Social Security number or phone number or try ...

Page 36: ...hlightSpecial sandpress See AccessingtheSecurityMenu onpage62 2 Highlightthenumberyouwishtoeraseandpress 3 Pressandhold toerasethenumber 4 HighlightOKandpress ErasingtheInternalPhoneBook ToeraseallthenamesandphonenumbersinyourInternalPhoneBook 1 FromtheSecuritymenu highlightErasePhoneBookandpress See AccessingtheSecurityMenu onpage62 2 HighlightYesandpress ResettingYourPhone Resettingthephoneresto...

Page 37: ...npage69 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Section 12 Using Your Scheduler 67 12 Using Your Scheduler AddinganEventtotheScheduler YourSchedulerhelpsorganizeyourtimeandremindsyouof importantevents Toaddanevent 1 Fromthemainmenu highlightSchedulerandpress 2 Highlightthedaytowhichyouwanttoaddascheduledeventby pressingthe4 waynavigatorleft previousday orright nextday and press Tip Press the 4 way navigator up or do...

Page 38: ...g Your Scheduler 䊳 ChangeSettingstoedittheevent ssettings See EditinganEvent s RingerType onpage70 䊳 Help todisplayeventhelptext 䊳 NextEventtodisplaythenextevent 䊳 PrevEventtodisplaythepreviousevent ErasingaDay sEvents Toeraseascheduledday sevents 1 FromtheSchedulermenu highlightEraseEvent s andpress 2 Todeletetheeventsscheduledforthatday thedateisdisplayedatthe topofthescreen highlightYesandpress...

Page 39: ...ur Scheduler 71 12 Using Your Scheduler EditinganEvent sRingerType Tochangeanevent sringertype 1 FromtheSchedulermenu highlightaneventandpress 2 Press againtodisplayeventoptions 3 HighlightChangeSettingsandpress 4 HighlightRingerTypeandpress 5 Toselectanewringertype highlightitandpress Youwillheara previewoftheringertypewhenyouhighlightit EditinganEvent sAlarm Tochangeanevent salarmtime 1 FromtheS...

Page 40: ...ureyouexperiencethefullqualitythatyourphone wasdesignedtogiveyou Section 13 Knowing Performance and Safety Guidelines 73 13 Performance and Safety PlayingGames Toplayagameonyourphone 1 Fromthemainmenu highlightGamesandpress 2 HighlightComancheorBlackJack2andpress 3 Press todisplaygameinstructions Toadjustthebacklightsettingsforgames 1 Fromthemainmenu highlightGamesandpress 2 HighlightGameOptionsan...

Page 41: ...e and Safety GettingtheMostOutofYourReception Keeping Tabs on Signal Strength Thequalityofeachcallyoumakeorreceivedependsonthesignal strengthinyourarea Yourphoneinformsyouofthecurrentsignal strengthbydisplayinganumberofbarsnexttothesignalstrengthicon Themorebarsdisplayed thestrongerthesignal Ifyou reinsidea building beingnearawindowmaygiveyoubetterreception Understanding the Power Save Feature Ify...

Page 42: ...ies 䊳 Call roadside assistance or a special non emergency wireless number when necessary Tip Purchase an optional Hands Free Car Kit Following Safety Guidelines Tooperateyourphonesafelyandefficiently alwaysfollowanyspecial regulationsinagivenarea Turnyourphoneoffinareaswhereuseis forbiddenorwhenitmaycauseinterferenceordanger Using Your Phone Near Other Electronic Devices Mostmodernelectronicequipm...

Page 43: ...TheSARvalueofaphoneistheresultofanextensivetesting measuring andcalculationprocess ItdoesnotrepresenthowmuchRFthephone Section 13 Knowing Performance and Safety Guidelines 79 13 Performance and Safety CaringfortheBattery Protecting Your Battery Theguidelineslistedbelowhelpyougetthemostoutofyour battery sperformance 䊳 Use only approved batteries and desktop chargers These chargers are designed to m...

Page 44: ...ty emits Allphonemodelsaretestedattheirhighestvalueinstrict laboratorysettings Butwheninoperation theSARofaphonecanbe substantiallylessthanthelevelreportedtotheFCC Thisisbecauseofa varietyoffactorsincludingitsproximitytoabasestationantenna phone designandotherfactors Whatisimportanttorememberisthateach phonemeetsstrictfederalguidelines VariationsinSARsdonotrepresent avariationinsafety Allphonesmus...

Page 45: ...the Keypad 30 CharacterInputMode 29 F FCCNotice 79 Four DigitCalling 22 G Games 72 I InternalPhoneBook AddingaNewEntry 48 DialingFromtheInternal PhoneBook 23 FindingaPhoneNumber 21 SavingaPhoneNumber 20 SecretEntries 52 L LockCode Changing 62 LockingYourPhone 62 M MakingCalls 16 MenuDiagram 27 MenuNavigation 26 MissedCallNotification 18 N NumericPages 38 P PrependingPhoneNumbers FromCallHistory 44...

Page 46: ...Events 67 ScreenSaver 58 SecurityMenu 62 SilentMode 56 SpecialNumbers 63 SpeedDialing 23 T TextMessages Displaying 39 Storage 38 Three WayCalling 33 TTYAccess 60 U UnlockingYourPhone 62 V Voicemail ClearingtheIcon 38 Retrieving 37 VoicemailBoxOptions 37 GroupDistributionLists 37 Volume Conversation 17 Ringer 17 84 Index ...
