LG-Nortel Wireless Headset with
technologies (IP8502) for Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 User’s Guide
To change your preferred calling device or the number of device to call, click the Phone
arrow and then click the new name or phone number or change the selection in the
Preferred Calling Device
To search and call a contact
In the Search box, type the first or last name of the contact or the full name of the contact.
Search results will display after you've partially typed the contact's name.
In the Search results list, click the phone button to the right of the contact's name to initiate
the call.
To make a voice call by typing a phone number in the Search box
In the Communicator window, in the Search box, type the phone number you want to call.
After you have finished typing the number, in the Search results area, click the phone button
next to phone number to start the call.
To make a voice call to multiple contacts
In the Contacts list, hold the CTRL key and select the contacts you want to invite to the
voice call.
When you get to the last contact you want to invite to the call, right click the contact, click
Call with Options
, and then select the number you want to start the conference call with.
When you select the number or device to start the conference, the call is initiated and the
participants are invited to the call. At this point, the Conversation window opens, shows you
as the leader of the conference and displays status for each of the conference call participants.
For more information about conducting conference calls, see <Conferencing>.