Maintenance Checklist
Before Operation
Visually inspect the VM
Lab Mixer and the parts.
Ensure all nuts and bolts are tight.
Visually inspect lubrication points and grease where necessary.
Inch/jog the machine without powder.
Visually inspect electrical wires for any damage.
During Operation
Listen for irregular knocking or clicking sounds. If heard, stop operation and inspect the
Lab Mixer's interior.
Occasionally check the Motor's temperature. If it starts to overheat, turn off the machine, let
it cool down, and grease it to ensure smooth operation.
Check to see that the Emergency Stop properly works.
After Operation
Unplug machine and remove all excess powder with a bagless vacuum.
Remove the Hopper and thoroughly clean its interior and exterior.
Wipe down the other surfaces with a damp cloth.
Apply a layer of NSF approved grease to the high-traction areas.