LFA Machines Oxford LTD ©
The tablet press should not be left running unattended. The operator should be vigi-
lant for signs of a blockage or other incident that might cause damage if not remedied. Switch off
the machine and check if any unusual noise occurs.
Each time you use the machine, it is important to check the punches are undamaged and in per-
fect condition before beginning production.
Also check the condition of the granules or powder, which must have a moisture content below
10 percent. Anything higher than this will affect the functioning of the machine and can damage
Select ‘slow’ for products that are more difficult to form into pellets.
Select ‘fast’ for other raw materials.
There are two feed hoppers. The front hopper supplies the left pressure roller. The back hopper
supplies the right pressure roller.
Adjusting the height of the hoppers changes the rate of flow of the powder. This can be
achieved by loosening the screw at the top of the frame and raising or lowering the hopper, then
tightening the screw again.
Pellet thickness is adjusted by changing the pressure, and by adjusting the amount of powder
Changing the pressure is achieved by raising or lowering the lower pressure roller. Raising the
roller a fraction increases the pressure and makes the pellets thinner, while lowering it a fraction
reduces the pressure and allows for thicker pellets.
The dial on the control panel has increments of 0-10. These represent increased or reduced com-
pression. After adjusting the dial, the star shaped handle in the centre must be tightened, as it
acts as a lock.
The amount of powder filled into each pellet is adjusted by turning the dial numbered “0-45”
that is located on the control panel. Each gradation equals a 0.01mm change in thickness. Turn-
ing it clockwise increases the fill volume; turning anti-clockwise reduces it.