1. Loosen all factory stem face plate bolts. Remove desired bolts that will be replaced by the included DIRECT X-LOCK STEM
2. Place factory stem bolts next to assembled DIRECT X-LOCK MOUNT. Compare exposed DIRECT X-LOCK BOLT length to
factory bolts. DIRECT X-LOCK MOUNT BOLT length needs to match factory bolt length /- 1mm. Compare both
30mm and 35 mm bolts to factory hardware. If assembled bolt, arm, and spacer length does not match factory bolt length
+/- 1mm, contact Lezyne.
3. Install the DIRECT X-LOCK STEM BOLTS with 9mm STEM SPACERS and MOUNT ARMS into chosen stem bolt holes.
4. Torque ALL BOLTS to stem manufacturer's torque specs and stem manufacturer's �ghtening pa�ern.
5. Make sure MOUNT ARMS are level with each other and �ghten the CRADLE BOLT.
Note: Final position cannot be adjusted after bolts are fully tightened.
Factory Bolt Length
Direct X-lock Stem Mount
▼Universal Aluminum Mount
• Do not exceed DIRECT X-LOCK BOLT torque.
- 6kgf-cm for M4 CRADLE BOLT
- For M5 DIRECT X-LOCK STEM BOLTS follow stem manufacturers specifica�ons.
• Ensure DIRECT X-LOCK clears all cables of bicycle.
• Check for interference between control cables and mounted items.
• Use only included DIRECT X-LOCK HARDWARE.
• Check torque of all stem bolts and DIRECT X-LOCK HARDWARE before every ride.
• Ensure the light is secure before riding.
• A�er a crash replace DIRECT X-LOCK STEM BOLTS, contact Lezyne for all replacement hardware.
Follow all installa�on instruc�ons for the Lezyne DIRECT X-LOCK. This is cri�cal for the successful and safe use on your bicycle.
Read all instruc�ons and follow all warnings before installing this product. Any ques�ons should be forwarded to Lezyne
Customer Service Department. Failure to follow installa�on instruc�ons may result in product failure and void the warranty.
For more informa�on on Lezyne products, visit:
More Information
Bolt and Washer are not included because of the variety of mounting options.
Lezyne USA, 645 Tank Farm Rd., Unit F, San Luis Obispo, California 93401
Form Mount is a licensed trademark of F3 Cycling LLC.