GA 05.280/1 - 01/2002
Cologne, Jan. 16, 2002
Dr. Reinelt, Business Area Manager
Cologne, Jan. 16, 2002
Greven, Engineer
Declaration of Conformity
We, Leybold Vakuum GmbH, herewith declare, under referen-
ce to the EMC directive 89/336/EEC, that the power supply
mentioned below in its original version traded by us, is desi-
gned to comply with the applicable EC directive.
Any changes on the power supply not agreed upon with us will
void this declaration.
Power Supply for Turbomolecular Pumps
Part No.:
For verification in accordance with the low-voltage directive
73/23/EEC, the following standard was applied:
EN 60950 11/97
For verification in accordance with the EMC directive
89/336/EEC, the following standards were applied:
EN 50081-1 3/93
EN 50082-1 3/93
EN 61000-3-2 /00
EN 61000-3-3 /96