Track OptraImage usage
To count outgoing faxes, you
must be using a
MarkNet N2501e print server
containing a fax modem port.
MarkTrack™ is software that combines the unique capabilities of Lexmark
network printers and MarkVision™ software with an Oracle™ database.
Job Accounting provides MarkTrack users with the ability to accumulate
statistics on copy jobs, outgoing faxes, and scan to network jobs by requiring
OptraImage users to enter a Job Account number on the control panel or choose
a valid Job Account name from a list before being allowed to scan documents.
Create accounts and set restrictions
To use Job Accounting to track jobs:
• Create Job Accounts for each authorized OptraImage user.
• Notify each user to enter the assigned Job Account number on the control
panel to be allowed to scan.
For information about setting up this function, see Chapter 1: Setup, “Create or
add a Job Account” on page 28 and “Require all scan jobs to be validated” on
page 29.
mode, when used with MarkTrack, collects statistical data
about copy jobs, scan jobs, and outgoing faxes. However, even if you
don’t use MarkTrack, Validation mode can be used to restrict
OptraImage usage to authorized individuals. Courtesy modes can also
be used to restrict usage, but none are as secure as Validation mode.