margin beginning at column 63, the right margin of each printed page begins at
column 63. That margin stays constant until a right margin command with a different
value resets it or until the printer is reset.
Parameters for each command are listed in the command tables beginning on
page 2-52. Use the Symbol Set Tables to determine the decimal or hexadecimal value
for each parameter. To determine a decimal or hex value, first locate the value of the
parameter you require in the Symbol Set Table. The decimal value is the value shown
in the bottom of the cell or box with that parameter. To find a hex value, go straight up
the grid from the desired parameter and read the value in the top heading. This is the
first character of the hex value. Next, go straight across the grid to the left of the
parameter and read the value in the left column heading. This is the second character
of the hex value. For example,
) is coded 1B in Hex and 27 in decimal. (Any one
of the three values
, 1B, or 27 might be used in your application. Read your
documentation to determine which to use.) The example on the following page sets
the pitch of the primary font to 16.66 characters per inch.
27 40 115 49 54 46 54 54 72
1B 28 73 31 36 2E 36 36 48
Use the plus symbol (+) or the minus symbol (-) to select a position relative to the
current cursor position. For example:
Move to horizontal cursor position, column six
Move six columns to the right of the current position
Move six columns to the left of the current position
Linking Commands
You can combine PCL emulation commands by linking them
the first 3 bytes of the
commands are identical. The combined, short form sends the first 3 bytes only once
in the string. To combine commands:
Use the first 3 bytes (characters) of the command only once at the start of the
command string.
Make the last letter of each command in the string lowercase.
Capitalize the last letter of the string.