Server Admin Tour
Server Admin Tour
Server Admin Tour
Logging Level
Logs can contain several different categories of information. For each category, you can
choose which types of messages are displayed. The types of messages contained in the log
are as follows:
System—Relates to general server functions, such as startup and shutdown.
Device List—Relates to adding servers and MFPs to the Server Admin window.
Script Manager—Relates to the creating, deleting, renaming, and copying of scripts.
Job Processor—Indicates the success or failure of actions that result when scripts are
processed. This is the only category of messages for which "debug" can be chosen as
a type.
Job Manager—Pertains to adding, deleting, and holding jobs in the queue for the
selected server.
Profiles—Pertains to creating and deleting profiles on MFPs.
Log Archives
Over time, messages accumulate in the log. You can choose how large the log file should be
allowed to grow. When the log file reaches the limit you set, old messages are erased. You
can choose to keep the most recent messages in your new log file. You can also specify how
long to keep the archived messages. The default setting is seven days.