Lexicon PSP 42 Operation Manual
External controllers and automation
Every Lexicon PSP 42 parameter can be automated, provided that your host application supports
it. Many of the VST compatible commercial sequencers and multitrackers available are capable
of recording and sending automation information. However, some hosts contain limitations, such
as a restricted number of automatable parameters per plug-in or low automation resolution, that
can make automation difficult or impractical. If you encounter any problems over automating the
Lexicon PSP 42 parameters, always refer to your host application documentation for details.
Besides VST automation, the Lexicon PSP 42 can be controlled via
. This can be used for
real-time control of the plug-in using any MIDI controller capable of sending MIDI Control
Change (CC) messages. Since the MIDI Control Change resolution of 7 bits is insufficient for
precise control of the delay time, it has been split into two CCs – one for coarse and another for
fine adjustments.
Once the Lexicon PSP 42 has been activated in your host application by plugging it anywhere in
the audio path, the new MIDI port (usually named Lexicon PSP 42…) becomes accessible:
The Plug-in’s engine and user interface respond to the messages that are sent to any channel of
this port. Furthermore, MIDI automation can be used to overcome problems, arising when
number of automatable parameters is limited by the host application.
The Lexicon PSP 42 has been designed, developed and tested to work properly with
from Emagic. Plug-in parameter values can be changed in real-time using LC faders and
V-pots. The parameter names and their values appear on Logic Control’s display, making
navigation easy and convenient.