In Depth
LXP Native
Reverb Bundle
LXP Native
Reverb Bundle
In Depth
The Soft Row
“Soft Row” Navigation Button
Soft Row
Soft Row
Parameter Name
What we call the “Soft Row”
The Soft Row is a set of parameters that come default specific to a particular preset.
They were assigned as being the most useful parameters for a particular preset. For
most people, the Soft Row parameters are all that’s needed.
Customizing the Soft Row
The Soft Row assignments are part of the preset. You can change the Soft Row
assignments and store the preset as a User preset. To do this, click the “Soft Row”
Navigation button, then click the Soft Row Assignment Button for the parameter
you’d like to change. A list will appear; choose the new parameter you want to
appear in the Soft Row. You can even assign the same parameter more than once.
When you’re done, store it as a User Preset as described in the next section, and
you’ll always be able to recall the preset with your customized Soft Row.