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The Ambience effect generates the side and rear reflection patterns of an
idealized club and concert hall. The larger space adds the true depth and
realism of a concert hall to classical and popular music, while the smaller
space is ideal for jazz and rock. The Reverberation effect is similar, but
places more emphasis on rich, dense reverberant decay than on early
reflections. It is especially good for simulating large, highly reverberant
spaces such as churches, stadiums and cathedrals.
For films encoded with Dolby Stereo, the CP-1 uses a completely digital
Dolby Pro Logic Surround decoder, with automatic correction of azimuth
and channel-balance errors (the most common problems in currently avail-
able films). The CP-1 also provides modes for expanding monaural film
sound tracks (Mono Logic), general TV viewing (TV Matrix) and for playing
music through a Surround speaker set-up (Music Surround).