15. Indoor temperature and humidity display
The readings of outdoor temperature and humidity are recorded by the main unit and displayed
here. The indoor temperature and humidity are automatically displayed in turn.
16. Indoor temperature and humidity trend
This icon indicates the trends of the inside temperature and humidity in half-hour intervals.
The arrow indicates an upward trend; the arrow indicates a stable trend and
indicates a downward trend.
17. Pressure bar graph
This bar chart indicates the atmospheric pressure trend over a 1-hour period. The variation scale
is +/- 3 Hecto Pascal (hPa). Why refer to this bar chart? Generally, bad weather is associated
to a low atmospheric pressure and good weather to a high atmospheric pressure. The weather
forecast provided by the SM1660, using animated icons, thus depends on the evolution of the
atmospheric pressure. Therefore, if the weather station announces rain and you observe a sudden
and significant fall in the bar chart readings, you can expect the rain to be strong and violent.
18. Displaying the atmospheric pressure
This weather station measures atmospheric pressure in Hecto Pascal and in real time.