to get a completely quiet room, but that is not a big problem . Try to position
the microphone and sound sources you like to record away from unwanted noise
sources . As the LCT 240 PRO features a cardioid pattern with an excellent rear
rejection, meaning that your microphone is a lot less sensitive to sound coming
from the back .
The proximity effect
The closer you position your microphone to your sound source, the more
pronounced is the lower frequency range . This effect is called the proximity
effect, and names the phenomenon of the increase of low frequency response .
It helps your vocals or instruments to sound fuller and warmer, but it is essential
to find the right balance, as too much low end in your vocals might get in the way
of the frequency range of other instruments . And guitar recordings, for example,
tend to sound muddy with too much low-end being recorded .
Recording tips
In the following chapters we will provide you with some basic tips about recording .
Take this as a rough guide, not as hard rules . Take your time to experiment and
don’t be afraid to try different things. Always listen to your ears! In a very simplified
analogy, you can think of the mic as a flashlight. Whatever your “beam of light”
illuminates, will be in the focus of your recording .
Room sound
Try different rooms if you have the possibility, every location sounds different . A
living room with shelves, couches, and carpet will sound balanced, quite dry and
will be suitable for most situations . A bathroom will sound more lively due to its
reflective tiles. For some scenarios, it can be an interesting place to record vocals
or acoustic instruments . Long story short: Finding the right location can make a
big difference . Just be creative .
Microphone positioning
Always spend enough time on positioning your microphone . Even the smallest
changes can make a huge difference to the final results. Remember that mic
positioning is one of the things that heavily define the quality and sound of your
recording, but cannot be changed after the recording process is completed . If you
are trying out different microphone positions, make sure that your EQ settings
are flat on your DAW, channel strip, audio interface, mixing console, etc. This
way you can clearly hear the differences in frequency response that occur from
different microphone positions relative to your sound source .
Sensitive microphones
Sensitive microphones pick up all sounds in a room . You may not notice
unwanted sounds right away, take a minute to check for noises from outside,
fans, air conditioners, creaking floors and so on. Most of the time it is unlikely