Step 2:
Refer to the Quick Connection Guides found on pages 11-15 of this
guide to connect the line voltage and low voltage circuits. Select the
diagram based on the model you have purchased.
The dimming models have the 0-10V control output wires leaving the
miniZ controller through the same nipple as the supply and load circuit wires.
They are color coded to different zones as indicated in the manual.
For two zone applications:
• Zone 1 should be connected to the luminaires closest to the daylit area such
as the windows or skylights. This is generally accepted to be approximately
12’ to 15’ from the daylight source.
• Zone 2 should be connected to the luminaires in the next area beyond 15’ to
approximately 25’ from the daylight source.
For three zone applications:
• Zone 1 should be connected to the luminaires closest to the daylight area
such as the windows or skylights. This is generally accepted to be
approximately 8’ to 10’ from the daylight source.
• Zone 2 should be connected to the luminaires in the next area beyond 10’ to
approximately 15’ from the daylight source.
• Zone 3 should be connected to the luminaires beyond the 15’ area.