Using the microscope
Unpacking and getting started
Unpack the microscope.
Make sure all the parts are present.
Move the stage to the lowermost position using the focusing knob.
Press the ON/OFF button located on the back side of the microscope base next to the power cord to turn
the microscope on.
Place an object on the stage and ix it with the slide holders.
Rotating the revolving head, switch magniication to the 4x objective.
Move the object to ix its thickest part exactly under the objective.
Rotate the focusing knob to raise the stage until the objective is close to the specimen; keep checking
the distance between the objective and the object to avoid their contact.
Look through the eyepiece installed in the monocular head and lower the stage slowly rotating the
focusing knob until you see the object image.
Such adjustment protects the frontal lens from contacting the object when you use objectives of other
magniications; though, slight refocusing might be required.
Selecting the objective
We recommend that you start your observations with the lowest power objective; it helps to select a seg-
ment for the detailed research. Once the segment is selected, you should center its image in the micro-
scope’s ield of view. This operation should be performed as precisely as possible, otherwise the required
segment might fail to appear in the ield of view of the higher power objectives.