wireless network must use the same channel in order to function correctly.
The default setting is “SmartSelect” means the system will pick best
channel for you automatically. Stay with default setting if you do not have
special request on channel selection.
Stations Separation – Default setting is “Disable”. This option can
disallow the client devices connected to this AP could not access each
Wireless Security -
The wireless security settings configure the security of your wireless network.
There are three wireless security mode options supported by the Access Point:
WEP, WPA-PSK and WPA. (WPA stands for Wi-Fi Protected Access, which is a
security standard stronger than WEP encryption. WEP stands for Wired
Equivalent Privacy.)
In Wireless Security page, you can configure the AP to work with No Security,
WEP, WPA-PSK and WPA security mode. Once you setup the AP to work in
security mode, all wireless stations will also need to have corresponding
settings. System default setting is “No Security”.