Chapter 1 Manual Introduction
This manual is subject to tell users how to use this WLAN management platform properly; Contents include description of this
platform’s properties, and how to configure this platform; Pre-reading this manual before operation is highly recommended;
1.1 Target reader
This manual is for those familiar with basic networking knowledge and terminology;
1.2 Conventions
If without extra explanation, this device, or WIFI management platform mentioned on this guide stands for AC Controller WiFi
management platform, short for AC Controller;
>> stand for the sequence entering interface page; Default: Class A menu>>Sub menu;
There is no sub menu on some functions;
< including words> on body part, means menu name, like <apply>
“including words” means other definition except menu on Web page, like “ARP Binding”
1.3 Chapter allocations
Chapter 1: Manual Introduction:
Grasp the structure of this manual, know convention of this manual, so that make well use of this manual;
Chapter 2: Products Introduction: Introduce properties
application and layout of this device;
Chapter 3:Installation Guide: Instruct users how to login and manage this platform, then introduce the device’s interface briefly;
Chapter 4:Function Settings: Introduce all functions of this platform, help clients to make fully use of this device;
Appendix A: Product SPEC;