(MAC) Address
If your ISP asks for the
Network Adapter Ad-
Physical Address
Hardware Address
, or
MAC Address
for the PC the DSL/Cable modem
is connected to, provide this value.
DHCP Client
Leave this enabled if you want the LevelOne
Broadband Router to be allocated an IP Address
by the DHCP server on the remote LAN, WAN,
or ISP account.
If this is enabled, the IP Address information
below is NOT required.
Fixed IP Ad-
Select this if using a fixed IP Address. If this
option is selected, the following data must be
IP Address
This is the address allocated by your ISP.
Network Mask
This must be compatible with the IP Address
Gateway IP Address
The address of the router or gateway, as
supplied by your ISP.
In some cases, your ISP needs to know the
Hardware (MAC) address of this device. If
in doubt, check with your ISP.