Leuze electronic
BPS 34
TNT 35/7-24V
The best functionality is obtained when:
• the BPS is guided parallel to the tape.
• the permitted working range is not exited.
Mounting location
When selecting a mounting location, pay attention to
• maintaining the required environmental conditions (humidity, temperature),
• possible soiling of the reading window due to liquids, abrasion by boxes, or packaging
material residues.
Mounting outdoors/devices with integrated heating
When mounting outdoors or for devices with integrated heating, also observe the following
• mount the BPS 34 in a way which provides maximum thermal isolation, e.g. using
rubber-bonded metal.
• mount in such a way that the device is protected from relative wind; mount additional
shields if necessary.
When installing the BPS 34 in a protective housing, it must be ensured that the scanning
beam can exit the protective housing without obstruction.
Mounting the barcode tape
The BPS 34 and barcode tape combination is mounted in such a way that the scanning
beam is unobstructed and is incident on the barcode tape as described in figure 7.4 on
page 40.
For further information on mounting the barcode tape, please refer to chapter 6.3 on
page 29.