Friedrich Leutert GmbH & Co. KG
MSI-4 Operating Instructions, Page 3
This operating manual provides instructions on how to use this product correctly, effectively
and safely for the intended purpose. Please read all instructions, notes on danger and warning
attentively. Please follow all safety instructions and precautionary notes in order to avoid damage
to people or property during operation. LEUTERT can not be held responsible for damage or
injury resulting from improper product use, incorrect operation or lack of maintenance.
This operating manual is directed to technically trained personnel. In case of doubt regarding
safety or operational aspects, please do not hesitate to contact LEUTERT for assistance. Should
you notice a faulty description or depiction or if you would like to suggest points for improvement,
we are looking forward to hearing from you.
Please keep the operating manual near the product to have it available if needed. Make sure that
the manual is protected from dirt and moisture.
Explanation of symbols:
indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate
is used to address practices not related to personal injury.
© Friedrich Leutert GmbH & Co. KG, Adendorf, 2017
This document including all of its parts is protected by copyright. Any duplication or utilization
outside of the copyright law is not permitted without explicit permission from LEUTERT and may
be subject to prosecution. This applies in particular to duplications of any kind, translations and
incorporation into electronic systems.
– Original edition, manuals in other languages on request –