To initiate rangefinder setup mode, press the POWER button to
activate the unit, then press and hold the MODE button for 2
seconds to enter the Quick Set Menu .
To manipulate a function, press and release the MODE button
until that function is flashing, then use the POWER button to
change the setting . If this is the last function to be changed, you
can allow the rangefinder to sit idle for 20 seconds, which will
cause an automatic power-off, saving all selections . If additional
functions require manipulation, simply press MODE to continue
through the Quick Set Menu . Pressing and holding MODE for
1 second at any time will save all changes, exit the Quick Set
Menu, and prepare the rangefinder for immediate use .
To reset your RX-1400i TBR/W to factory settings, press POWER
to activate the rangefinder, press and hold MODE, and then press
and hold POWER . A 10-second countdown timer will appear;
factory reset will occur after 0 has been reached .
Activating certain modes automatically disables
other modes. For example, activating the yards mode will
automatically deactivate the meters mode.