The system will automatically retry to recover from the event failure every 20 seconds.
To clear the warning PoE Indicator of the recovered port, please re-plug the port cable or re-
open the PoE function of the port via DIP Switch(>=2sec).
PoE Dip Switch
The 4-pin Dip Switch on the front panel of the Ethernet Switch works as the PoE Controller for PoE
Port 1~Port 4.
PoE DIP Switch 1
Enable Port 1 PoE Function
Disable Port 1 PoE Function
PoE DIP Switch 2
Enable Port 2 PoE Function
Disable Port 2 PoE Function
PoE DIP Switch 3
Enable Port 3 PoE Function
Disable Port 3 PoE Function
PoE DIP Switch 4
Enable Port 4 PoE Function
Disable Port 4 PoE Function
Relay Contact Alarm Warning
2-pin 1*24VDC@1A resistive normal open on 6-pin terminal block.
The relay contact alarm will be triggered when anyone of the pre-configured events occurs. User
can configure the event warning for the events listed below.
(Software Default: OFF)
The relay contact alarm will be triggered when anyone of the listed events occurs.
Key trigger event 1: Power-1 or Power-2 is inactive
Key trigger event 2: PoE total loading >100% PoE output budget
Key trigger event 3: PoE over current per port
Key trigger event 4: Cable short per port
Key trigger event 5: One of the channels in Dual PD fail
[Notice] When the relay is triggered because of Event 2~5, the relay contact alarm, will update the
status every 30 seconds. If there is no event happening for 30 seconds, the relay contact alarm will
be turn off. If the user disables the failed PoE port by removing the cable or Dip Switch manually,
the relay will be recovered immediately.