Drive Control and Status
Drive Control and Status
7.1 Overview
The control and status words provide a means for the digital control and monitoring of the drive using a
single data word. Each control bit has a particular function and provides a method of controlling the output
functions of the drive, such as run and direction. Each bit in the status word provides feedback about the
drive’s state of health and operational condition.
7.2 Control BITs
There are several control bit available within PositionServo that can be written to through cyclic or acyclic
communications. Some of the most commonly used ones are listed as follows, for a complete list of drive
control functions see the Programming Manual:-
7.2.1 Software Enable/Disable
PID52 - Enable
Default: N/A
Range: 0 - 1
Access: WO
Type: Integer
This is the VAR_ENABLE function.
0 - disable
1 – enable
This function is the default mapping for cyclic Data Out Channel 1.
7.2.2 Drive Reset (Cold Boot)
PID53 - Reset
Default: N/A
Range: 0 - 1
Access: WO
Type: Integer
This is the VAR_RESET function.
0 - no action
1 - reset drive
7.2.3 Suspend Motion
PID91 - Suspend Motion
Default: 0
Range: 0 - 1
Access: RW
Type: Integer
This is the VAR_SUSPEND_MOTION function.
0 - motion enabled
1 - motion disabled