Vent DaMper
This is an automatic, motorized stack damper
that has been developed to increase the efficiency
of heating systems by reducing standby losses
from the boiler and the conditioned air space.
The damper closes the chimney vent when the
burner is off and fully opens it when combustion
is required.
rolloUt sWItcH
(FlaMe rolloUt saFetY sHUtoFF)
The rollout switch is a temperature-sensitive
fuse link device. It is located on the boiler base
just outside the fire box. In the event of the heat
exchanger flueway blockage causing flame to roll
out of the fire box, the fuse will blow, shutting down
the flow of gas to the main burners. The fuse does
not change in appearance when blown.
If the rollout switch blows, it must be replaced
with an exact replacement. Check heat exchanger
flueways for blockage when restoring system to
operating condition. Do not operate system with-
out a rollout switch.
spIll sWItcH
(BlocKeD Vent saFetY sHUtoFF)
The spill switch is a manual reset disc thermo-
stat with a fixed setpoint (280˚ F), and normally
closed contacts. It is located at the relief open-
ing of the draft diverter. In the event of chimney
or venting system blockage causing products
of combustion to spill out of the relief opening,
the spill switch disc heats up and the spill switch
contacts will open, shutting down the flow of gas
to the main burners by removing power to the gas
In the event that the spill switch contacts open,
the reset button on the back of the switch will
pop up. The spill switch must be reset manually,
after the switch has cooled off, by pushing the
reset button down. Check the venting system and
chimney for blockage when restoring the system
to operating condition.
Do not
operate the boiler
without a spill switch.
A. Some boilers are equipped with an intermittent
ignition device which automatically lights the
pilot. Do
try to light the pilot by hand.
Some boilers are equipped with a continuous
pilot and must be manually lighted. (See lighting
instructions on page 18-19.) A match holder is
included in the parts bag.
B. BEFORE OPERATING smell all around the ap-
pliance area for gas. Be sure to smell next to the
floor because some gas is heavier than air and
will settle on the floor.
• Do not try to light any appliance.
• Do not touch any electric switch; do not use
any phone in you building.
• Immediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor’s
phone. Follow the gas supplier’s instructions.
• If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the
fire department.
C. Use only your hand to push in or turn the gas
control knob. Never use tools. If the knob will not
push in or turn by hand, don’t try to repair it, call a
qualified service technician. Force or attempted
repair may result in a fire or explosion.
D. Do not use this appliance if any part has been
under water. Immediately call a qualified ser
vice technician to inspect the appliance and to
replace any part of the control system and nay
gas control which has been under water.
If you do not follow these instructions exactly,
a fire or explosion may result causing prop
erty damage, personal injury of loss of life.