Total heat recovery option (NEOSYS only)
The aim of the Total Heat Recovery (THR) is to recover temperature heat from the compressor discharge gases by means of a condensing
water heat exchanger. In our design, the air condenser and the heat recovery condenser have the same volume and are mounted in
parallel. This point is important because in this case, no refrigerant receiver to compensate the volume difference between the gas and
liquid phase is then required. The heat recovery capacity depends on the operating conditions (the compressor discharge temperature
comes from the HP/LP ratio), on the number of compressor running, on the water flow and on the water inlet temperature. The u nit will
always be driven by the air conditioning load. In any case, if there is no load on the cooling side, the unit will not be able to generate heat.
The heat capacity will always be in accordance with the cooling capacity and the absorbed power of the unit.
The unit is designed to drive by itself the start and stop order of the water pump(s) of the heat recovery loop. So for good operation of this
option, there is:
A dry contact on the chiller command (Climatic) to remotely activate or stop the heat recovery option.
A dry contact on the chiller command (Climatic) to connect to the water pump(s) for start and stop order.
Then, depending on the running state of the unit, it will start or stop the water pump(s). For an adequate performance of the unit, the control
of the water pump(s) is mandatory. If not, we can’t guarantee the unit to work properly.
The simplest regulation we recommend is the one on the schemes below: a 3-way valve with a regulation on the water temperature thanks
to the probe integrated in the unit. This valve can be driven directly by the command of the chiller (Climatic).
A better regulation can be achieved by using an inverter driven pump that adjusts the flow to maintain the desired outlet temperature.
Installation with primary and secondary water loops (preferred)
Equipments included in the unit
Installation with one water loop
Temperature probe
Flow switch
Groove lock
3-way valve
Water tank
Balancing valve
Water filter with mesh size < 1 mm
Expansion vessel
Water or brine pump