Spa/Pool Valves K-9 - K-11
The filter pump and jet pump (if on) will turn off for 30
seconds while spa/pool valves are opening.
Lo Pump K-1
Activated when heater is on. If heater is on and pool mode
is selected, lo pump will stay on 2.5 minutes before spa/pool
valve is activated (fireman’s switch).
Jets (Hi Pump) K-2
Jets function is on a 30 minute timer. If heater is on and
pool mode is selected, hi pump will stay on 2.5 minutes
before spa/pool valve is activated (fireman’s switch).
Light K-6
Light function is on a 4 hour timer.
Aux-1 K-3 (usually blower)
Aux-1 function is on a 30 minute timer.
Aux-2 K-4
Aux-2 function is on a 4 hour timer.
Aux-3 K-5
Aux-3 function is on a 4 hour timer.
RF Remote Sleep
Sleep circuit is activated if there is no keypad function within
40 seconds. The eighth position of the switch must be off
for the battery saver time out mode (sleep) to work.
Back Light (hard wire remote)
Back light function is on a 4 hour timer.
Wait Icon
Flashes at 1 second intervals.
Remote Mechanical Filtration Timer
This mechanical timer will override any “off” function of the lo
pump if a filtration cycle is programmed “on”.
The power supply is powered by a 40 VA 25.2 volt CT Class
2 transformer. It provides 24, 12 and 5 VDC to power the
logic board. A separate transformer is used to power the
external spa/pool valves for the Lennovator. The Lennovator
power supply and time clock are normally configured for 240
VAC input, but can be factory wired for 120 VAC.
The transceivers are mounted on a separate printed circuit
board. It is soldered onto the RF remote control unit and
plugged into the master control printed circuit board. It
operates in the 900 MHZ band with a range of 300 feet
Lennovator single timer systems include a 24 hour filtration
timeclock, which controls the pool/spa pump.
The filtration timer provides the ultimate in operating
efficiency and economy. The pool/spa water
can be filtered once daily or several times a
day, to maintain a sparkling clear, clean
condition with proper sanitizer distribution.
One single-speed pump system:When the
timer reaches an ON time, the pump will turn
Two single-speed pump system:When the
timer reaches an ON time, the primary pump
will turn on.
One 2-speed pump system:When the timer
reaches an ON time, the pump will operate in
low speed.
For an initial setting, follow “Setting the
Timer” instructions and try 6 to 8 consecutive
hours a day, or set various ON times spaced around the
timer. Wait a few days and adjust as necessary to maintain
sparkling clear water with a minimum of ON times.
Summary of Contents for Lennovator
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