Grinders Line - William
- PL72
The “5 M”
If you want to make perfect Espres-
sos, you should start by ensuring the
five essential factors which turn a sim-
ple cup of coffee into an Espresso for
connoisseurs! These are the “5 M’s”;
in Italian: miscela (blend), macinat-
ura (grinding), macchina (machine),
manualità (skill) and manutenzione
1- Miscela (Blend)
Good Espressos are always made with a
good blend of coffee. An Espresso with
the right taste requires a blend of two
types of coffee, Arabica and Robusta.
The first gives the coffee its delicate
aroma and the right amount of acidity,
while the second type gives it its full
taste, body and cream. The quantities
depend on your own taste. Try out dif-
ferent combinations until you find the
blend you like best!
2- Macinatura (Grinding)
The grinder is a must for making good
Espresso. Coffee should always be
ground just before it is used so that it
preserves its taste and aroma.
The Lelit grinders let you adjust the
grinding level to suit the coffee blend
in order to establish the correct extrac-
tion time and amount of cream.
3- Macchina (Espresso machine)
Choosing the right espresso machine
is equally important. Lelit coffee ma-
chines are designed and built to let
you adjust the water pressure and
temperature to your requirements.
The right balance of these two factors
allows you to extract from the ground
coffee not only the substances that
provide its taste, but also the insoluble
particles that give your coffee body
and aroma.
4- Manualità (Skill)
Half of the result depends on how you
use the machine. A passionate expert
is an essential part of the Espresso
production chain and can enhance
the result to bring additional value to
the final product. Passion and practice
are, therefore, the secrets to learning
how to use the machine. You can ex-
periment with different blends of cof-
fee, grinding, pressing, water temper-
ature and pressure, not just to make
an Espresso, but to make the one that
is just right for you.
5- Manutenzione (Maintenance)
Daily maintenance, scheduled main-
The art of Espresso coffee
Contrary to what you might think, making a perfect Espresso is not that easy. It
takes experience, ability, passion and a little bit of curiosity. In this paragraph
we would like to share with you some of the basic rules for making a perfect
cup of Espresso.