Lelit Elizabeth Quick Reference Manual Download Page 6


Preinfusion for button 2 


Steam On or Off 

Steam can be set on and off in the menu system in the same way as any other functions.  

Summary of Contents for Elizabeth

Page 1: ...tual brew temperature If the machine isalreadyset to showactual brewtemperature the firstpressof the buttonwill appearto have noeffect The secondpressof the buttonshowsthe steamboilertemperature Aftera fewsecondsof nobutton press the displayreturnstoit s home Screen where the actual or presetbrewtemperature will be displayedalongwiththe statusof the steamboiler Home Screen The displaywitheitherdis...

Page 2: ...rs whenyousee aparameteryouwantto change pressthe plusbuttonto selectit thenthe and buttonswill change the value If no buttonis pressedfora fewsecondsthe machine will returntothe home screen Shortcut to quickly switch steam boiler on or off ...

Page 3: ...ot times The LelitElizabethcanhave shottimesprogrammedtoeach button These allow forthe espressoshot to endwhenthe programtime has beenreached e g if youprogram30 seconds the shotwill stop30 secondsafterthe buttonispressed Anypreinfusiontimesare includedinthistime e g a10 second ...

Page 4: ...preinfusionwithashottime programmedof 30s will still take 30sin total 10 secondsof whichwill be preinfusion For button2 the procedure issimilar ...

Page 5: ...set inthe advancedmenu whichbecomespartof the preinfusiontime e g if the advancedmenufor preinfusionhasapump ontime of 3s and youseta total preinfusiontime of 10 seconds The pumpwill run for the first3s and stopfor the next7s Thenthe pump restartsto complete the shot Preinfusiontime formsapartof any total shot time programmed ...

Page 6: ...Preinfusion for button 2 Steam On or Off Steamcan be seton andoff in the menusysteminthe same wayas anyotherfunctions ...

Page 7: ...feature of all modern espressomachines partof EU Law I don t personallyfindituseful eventhoughthe Elizabethhasa veryfastwarm up of about 15 17 minutes The standbyfunctionistoggledon offby switchingthe machine onwhile holdingincoffee button2 The water button LED will be flashingifstandby is on and off if standby is disabled ...

Page 8: ...ee2buttons at the same time Automatic Backflush routine Thisperformsa seriesof automaticbackflusheswhenusingcleanerina portafilterwithablindbasket I use thisto finishoff acouple of manual backflushesaspartof my recommendedhybridbackflush routine Toaccess this functionpress the coffee1and hot water buttons at the same time ...

Page 9: ...pressing to move to the nextvalue You will probablyonlyneedtoenterthe advancedmenuafew timestocheckyour settingsandsetup your preferredpumpontimesforSteamandBloompreinfusion Once youhave decidedwhatyoulike it s unlikelyyouwillneedtoenterthe advancedsettingsagain If everyou have a software update youwill loseanycustomisedsettings thismayalsohappenif you sendthe machine off tobe serviced Irecommendy...

Page 10: ...he time it hitsthe coffeeand displaysthetested brew temperatureatthe coffee ES 0 Idon twantan offsetforsteam this way I can converttemperatureto an accurate pressure F01 1 illumination on 1 or off 0 TR1 1 thisallowsthe LCC to display theactual temperaturea valueof 0 meansthe LCC only showsthe set temperature TOT notused The Values below you can change to suit your situation and needs Preinfusion T...

Page 11: ...hthe coffee and maynot be optimal but experiment BLS1 3 Button 1 Steampreinfusion pump on time in seconds 3 is recommended BLS2 3 Button 2 Steampreinfusion pump on time in seconds 3 is recommended Note The reason3 or 4 secondsisadvisedforthisfunctionistosignificantlyreducethe amountof superheatedwaterenteringthe brewboiler Youare mainlytryingtofill the head space above the coffee before the pumpst...

Page 12: ...e groupforcleaningcangive unwantedthermal andvoid effectswithinthe brew boiler Thisfunctionallowsyoutoflushthe groupforcleaningafteracoffee usinga brush or manual backflushingwithcleanerduringahybridbackflush I recommendthe maximumvalue of 6because valueslessthan6are not as effectiveforthese functions PRG 6 Purgegroup pressing bothbrewbuttonssimultaneously to getwaterflow through group withno prei...
