880 Series Audio Distribution Amplifiers Instruction Manual
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Chapter 6
ADA-883 Stereo Audio Distribution
Amplifier Module
The ADA-883 stereo audio distribution amplifier is designed to meet the most
demanding requirements of broadcast facilities, television post-production, and
recording studios. This excellent amplifier provides two high performance
channels with four low-impedance stereo outputs per channel. Excellent output
isolation and interchannel crosstalk is assured by the use of individual drivers
for each output.
The input is overvoltage protected up to 120 volts AC or DC. The
transformerless, balanced input is normally bridging, but can be terminated by
installing a suitable resistor. Unbalanced input is converted to balanced output.
The ADA-883 exceptional performance features include 100 dB S/N ratio, flat
frequency response, carefully controlled roll-off and very low distortion, thus
ensuring a virtually transparent transmission path.
Isolation between modules in the mounting frame is better than 100 dB over the
entire audio frequency band. Interchannel crosstalk is greater than 95 dB (20 Hz
to 20 kHz).