Liftboy 4 | User handbook
page 7
The platform must be fixed, which means that the transport wheels brakes have to be tightened.
Check if it is possible to move the platform using the control panel. The control panel is located on
the right side of the platform or on the lower frame. On the control panel are the emergency stop
button, the buttons for the movement directions and the green, red and yellow LED signal.
Moving of the platform
Activation of the platform
Put in the key into the switch and turn it to the ON position.
The control circuit is activated.
The green signal LED lights up.
The movement of the platform can be interrupted if the STOP button gets pushed or if the
lower safety frame is activated while the platform is moving down.
Activation of the access ramp
Now you can roll on to the platform
Put on the brakes of the wheelchair
The brakes of the wheelchair must be tightened to avoid rolling off the platform.
Now you can fold up the ramp
After you have entered the platform in the upper or the lower stop, the ramp must be folded up.
When the ramp has been correctly closed and locked in place, it is possible to select the direction
of movement on the control panel. The folded-up ramp serves as a barrier and avoids that the
wheelchair rolls off the platform unintentionally.
Activate the control of the movement directions
By pressing the button, depending on the direction of the arrow (up or down), the green LED
lights up. The platform moves while the button is pushed. When the button is released while the
platform is moving, it stops, and it is only possible to continue the movement when a new choice
The folded access ramp
serves as a protection against
rolling off the platform.
Unfold the access ramp and
roll on to the platform.