1 |
the pick-up arm geometry and system
should always be performed by
a specialist. In case of incorrect settings, the effects range from sound problems to
one-sided and therefore premature wear of the system. Good specialist dealers have
special measuring and adjusting equipment. It is much more accurate than what may
be included with the pick-up system.
2 |
On record players with a sub-chassis, the
vibration behaviour
should also be
optimised by an expert. Sound improvements are possible here as well.
3 |
Using a
decoupling mat
that contributes to better mechanical separation
between the record and turntable can further improve the sound quite significantly.
4 |
Special attention should also be paid to the chosen
cable materials and
. This applies in particular to the system cables (headshell), the cables from
the pick-up to the Black Cube/Black Cube SE and the cables to the downstream
Sound optimisation tips
The Black Cube/Black Cube SE can only be as good as the signal
supplied by the turntable or pick-up system. Since playing back
a record consists of mechanical sampling with many important
influencing variables, we provide some sound optimisation tips
here. For high-end record players in particular, you should consult
your dealer for the required service and adjustments.
1 | DC 1/DC 2
The MKP output capacitors are bridged with these jumpers so they are no longer
in the signal path. These jumpers are not activated at delivery.
2 | Gain_L/Gain_R
These jumpers change the amplification by +10 dB and are activated at delivery.
With the DIP switches accessible on the bottom of the device (respectively no. 1),
you can switch the gain between 46 dB (MM) and 66 dB (MC). You can remove
the jumpers if this amplification is too high.
3 | Bass_L/Bass_R
These jumpers activate the soft bass roll-off filter to prevent membrane flutter
when playing back warped records. The cut-off frequency is 50 Hz,
the filter slope is 6 dB/oct. These jumpers are not activated at delivery.
4 | R103/R203
Available custom impedance plug connections for activation with the DIP switches
for the channels (respectively no. 3). An impedance/capacity activated here is
switched in parallel to all other impedances/capacities activated by switches and
the 47 kohms/100 pF.
5 | R100/R200
These are free hardwire plug-in slots for additional impedances/capacitors with
immediate effect and no need for activation via switches. A resistor/capacitor
plugged in here will be put in parallel with all other switch-activated impedances/
capacitors and the 47 kohms/100 pF.
When output capacitors are bridged, there may be DC voltage
on the outputs. Before activating these jumpers, it is therefore
necessary to ensure that the downstream input stage has a DC
voltage input filter since DC voltage can damage the speakers. In
case of doubt, have your system checked by the dealer first.
Black Cube/Black Cube SE
Black Cube/Black Cube SE