LEGRAND VANTAGE RadioLink EasyTouch II ScenePoint Relay Installation Download Page 2




©Vantage, 12/1/2016 / IS-0471-B 

RadioLink EasyTouch II ScenePoint Relay, MODEL: RR1XXX-XXXX 

page 2 of 3 

Minimum Back Box Dimensions 

Number of Gangs 

Minimum Back Box Dimensions 

2.80”h x 1.80”w x 2.5”d 


2.80”h x 3.60”w x 2.5”d 


2.80”h x 5.40”w x 2.5”d 


2.80”h x 7.20”w x 2.5”d 

*  ScenePoint relay stations are available in one load models 
only. 2, 3 and 4 gang 

Back Box 

dimensions are calculated by 

ganging single load stations together. 
NOTE: UL requires one-half inch clearance between the back 
of the station to the back of the back box. 
Most standard back boxes that have the receiving threads for 
the device mounting screw inside the box will be adequate. 
Most back boxes where the receiving threads are outside the 
box will be too small. 
Mud Rings 
If mud rings are specified on a job it is important to test the 
mud rings for proper fit. Some mud rings run substantially 
smaller than back boxes and some brands are not large 
enough for the station. The 

only solution

 is to test the mud ring 

for proper fit first. 
3-Way Switch Application 
The RadioLink EasyTouch II ScenePoint Relay station from 
Vantage may be used for 3-way applications. When installing a 
standard RadioLink EasyTouch II Relay station as a 3-way 
switch, the Red (Load Out) wire is not connected and is 
properly capped-off. 
Station Set Up in Software 


In the 

Project Explorer

 click on 

Style/Profile View

Right click on 

Keypad Styles

 and select 

Add Keypad Style

. In 


Object Editor

 window fill in all the information for the 

keypad style including the EasyTouch II 

Button Shape.


SoftLine or TrimLine plastic for ScenePoint stations. 
Remember to check or uncheck the Auto Backlight check box 
to enable or disable this built-in feature. Right click on button 
style and setup a button style with the button color wanted. 
While still in Style/Profile View, right click on LED Styles and 
fill in the appropriate information in the Object Editor for 
EasyTouch II LEDs – Red/Green/Blue with ON and OFF colors. 
Next select the room, then click on 

Vantage Objects

 in the 

Object Explorer

 and expand 

Stations, RadioLink

. From the list 

of stations double click on the 

ScenePoint Relay Station


place it in the room. In the Object Editor, name the station and 
make sure it is on the correct RadioLink bus. 
RadioLink stations need to be configured to associate which 
physical station goes with the station in software.  
When the station is initially powered-up, the Status LED will 
blink three times followed by a pause - this means the station 
is powered correctly but not yet on the network. 



uploading the file to the Vantage system, do the following: 
From Design Center, click in the 

Serial Number

 section in the 

Object Editor

 and type in the serial number. Manually enter the 

serial number for each RadioLink station to match it with the 
corresponding programming. Please note, if the serial number 
contains an alpha character please ignore this when typing in 
serial number. 
The serial number of each station is located on a permanent 
sticker and a removable sticker on the front of the station. 
Remove the sticker with the number only and place on the 
Station Design Report for easy reference when programming. 
The Main Controller will add to its network and configure all 
the RadioLink stations that it has serial numbers for. This may 
take several minutes depending on the number of RadioLink 
stations on the network. The Status LED will remain off when a 
station has been added to the network and configured. 

NOTE: A new feature with Design Center 2.3 and up is the 
ability to configure RadioLink stations the same way WireLink 
stations are configured, e.g., 3-button press. When configuring 
stations, if the 

Exclude RadioLink Bus

 check box, under 

Settings | System Preferences

, is not checked, all RadioLink 

stations go back to non-programmed mode when the 
Configure Stations button on the tool bar is clicked. The 
EasyTouch II station LEDs will all blink between Red and Off 
while in configure station mode. After configuring stations and 
clicking the Configure Stations button again to turn configure 
stations mode off, all RadioLink stations need to log back on to 
the system before working as programmed. Allow time for this 
to occur. 
Default Mode 
The RadioLink EasyTouch II Relay station has a default mode 
that operates without programming or being connected to the 
Vantage System. If a relay station has been programmed but 
communication with the controller is lost the station will revert 
to default operation, i.e., toggling the load directly connected 
to the station.  
Default IR Mode 
EasyTouch II ScenePoints have a built-in IR receiver. The 
default IR mode that is active before the station is 
programmed or if the station is offline is explained below. 
The Scene Codes 230-239 are transmitted by the Scene 
buttons 1-10 on a Vantage IR Remote Control. 
Scene button 1, Vantage code 230, toggles the station load, 
operating the same as the default operation for a button. 
Scene 9, code 238, will turn the station’s load on. Scene 10, 
code 239, will turn the station’s load off. 
When the station is configured to the system all of the IR 
Scenes stop executing default operation and will not respond 
to IR input unless the built-in IR receiver is assigned to an IR 
Zone with programmed codes. 
Reset / Power Outage 
The ScenePoint stores the configuration data locally so that it 
will continue to operate correctly if communication with the 
system is lost. This information includes: LED properties, 
sounder properties, and last load state.  
To reset this information to the factory default, press and hold 
switches 1-3 when power is applied to the station. The board 
will respond by sounding three beeps to indicate that the reset 
took place. After a reset, the load will be off and the LEDs will 
change to Blue for ON and White for OFF. 
Removing Metal Tabs 
Removal of metal tabs allows ganging with other ScenePoint 
Stations or third party devices.  
Diagnostic Information 
The Status LED can be seen behind the sensor light bar. The 
light bar is just between the 3rd and 4th button diffusers. The 
Status LED is off or blinks 2, 3, 4 or 5 times followed by a 
pause to indicate status information. 
Off: The station is programmed and configured, or the station 
is not powered, a line voltage connection has not been made 
or the line feed breaker is off.  
Two blinks: Station has logged on to Controller but is not 
initialized. If two blinks persist more than five minutes, the 
station should be reset. See Reset above. 
Three blinks: Station is not added to the network. Verify that 
its serial number has been programmed into the Controller and 
that the station is within 100 Feet of the RFE1000. 
Four blinks: Relay station problem.  Please contact the factory. 
Five blinks: Configuration mode.  

