The high definition Digital Wavelaunch Processor hosts a LEGACY custom algorithm which automatically loads when the proc-
essor is powered on. Factory settings are ‘plug and play’, and do not require a computer to utilize. Connections between the
preamp, power amplifier, and speakers should be as shown on previous page.
1 Whspr Normal standard settings for flat response
2 Bass Plus
(increases bass, +2 dB)
3 Bass Minus
(shelves bass, -2 dB)
Selecting the Program
1. Press the MENU left arrow
2. Scroll through the programs using the job wheel
3. Press enter to select the program of choice
4. Press enter again to confirm selection. The program will now load.
Users are welcome to load the included software and learn to make individual adjustments as desired. However it is recom-
mended that any changes be saved as Program 6 or higher to avoid overwriting the factory settings.
Whisper Wave Launch Processor