VIII. Instructions for Temporary Relief of Pain
Dual Panel Use With Stand
1. Place both panels on stand.
2. Attach Panel Connector Wire
betwen panels.
3. Attach Power Supply to Panel.
4. Plug Power Supply into electrical
5. Press Power Button and release.
6. Place body part ( hands, arm
etc. ) no further than 1/2” from
LED panels.
You will hear a beep and the
lights will come on.
You can only see the red
LEDs; the others are in the
infrared spectrum and can’t be
seen with the human eye.
The unit will beep in one minute
intervals for a total of seventeen
7. The unit will automatically turn off at
the end of the 17 minute treatment
cycle. Device takes 8 minutes to
reach target temperature on skin.
Total time for treatment is 17
8. To quit before treatment is over,
push Power Button again.
Recommended Usage: We recommend 2 (17 minutes
each) treatments per day.