DM Series Installation Guide
5. When the driver installation is complete, the final
page of the Wizard appears. Click
Finish to com-
plete the LecNet2™ USB driver installation.
Installation Additional Units
(or LecNet 2
The Windows XP operating system regards all Lec-
net2™ devices as separate USB devices because each
has a unique serial number. Because of this, Windows
XP will want to install the USB driver every time it
encounters a LecNet2™ device whose serial number
it does not recognize. However, if the LecNet2™ USB
driver has already been installed at least once before
on the computer system, the process is simplified be-
cause the LecNet2™ installation disk is not required.
Use the following procedure if the LecNet2™ USB
driver was previously installed on the computer system.
1. On the first page of the Wizard, select Install the
software automatically (Recommended) and
Next> to continue.
2. Windows discovers the previously installed USB
driver. It is likely that a dialog will open warning you
that the driver has not passed Windows Logo Test-
ing. Click
Continue Anyway.
3. When the driver installation is complete, the final
page of the Wizard appears. Click
Finish. It is now
possible to connect to the LecNet2™ device.