Sandy Desert: Echo Canyon
Cowboy Pablo and Cowgirls Uniqua and Tasha are
tracking a mysterious bandit in the Wild West, but
to find him, they need to cross Echo Canyon! Help
them make echoes so that the boulders will tumble
down to make a bridge for them to cross. Listen to
the pattern of shapes called out, and use the pen to
select the shapes that repeat the pattern. Then the
rocks will tumble and the cowpokes can cross the
canyon! Yahoo!
Level 1: Match and extend simple patterns
Level 2: Match and extend more complex patterns
Pattern Recognition: The ability to distinguish a group of objects that repeat.
Players match and extend simple to more complex patterns.
Understanding patterns lays the groundwork for memory development,
problem solving and logical reasoning. As children determine what comes
next in a pattern, they need to look carefully for similarities and differences,
and develop mnemonics to aid recall. This game also reinforces knowledge of
basic geometric shapes.
Sandy Desert: Tumbleweed Jump
You know what else the Backyardigans can do in
the Sandy Desert? They can be Desert Questers
searching for water! Help Desert Questers Pablo
and Tyrone search by crossing a path of tumbling
tumbleweeds! Use the arrow pad or joystick to align
yourself with a passing tumbleweed, then press the
up arrow or move the joystick up to jump on the
tumbleweed. Listen to the prompt so you know what
numbers to jump on. Get a jump on it!