October 2016
The electronic water valve has a 2-meter telephone wire attached.
If the 2-meter telephone wire from the electronic water valve will reach, plug it into the
duplex connector in the bottom of the Leak Gopher.
You can use standard telephone wires (4 wire) and connectors to extend the valve wire to
the Leak Gopher up to 30 feet. The Electronic Water Valve uses the outside two wires of
the 4-wire telephone wire, usually yellow and black, in case you want to install telephone
biscuits or other connectors.
Testing the Leak Detector – Valve Controller
Place the water sensor into a container with water.
The Leak Detector will sound an audible alarm. The alarm will repeat every 10 seconds.
The electronic water valve will close.
To turn off the audible alarm, press the Silence button on the front of the Leak Gopher for
3 seconds.
The electronic water valve will remain closed
You must wait one minute after the electronic water valve closes before starting the
opening procedure. This allows the valve time to fully close.
To open the electronic water valve, press the On button on the front of the Leak Gopher.
The electronic water valve will open.
That’s it! Be sure to leave the electronic water valve open!
Your home or business is now protected. If the Leak Gopher senses water it will automatically
turn the water off. The audible alarm will continue to sound until you press the Silence button to
silence it, even if the water at the water sensor dries.
There are other models of the Leak Gophers that work wireless with your Z-Wave enabled
security system, other Z-Wave Controllers or using the Leak Gophers very own wireless
technology. There is a Leak Gopher with a Wireless Valve Controller to allow the Electronic Valve
to be located away form the Wireless Leak Detector and not connected using wires. There is a
Leak Gopher Manual Valve Controller to simply turn water off and on at the press of a button.
for more information.