7.6 Cancel SOS call number
If you want to cancel SOS call number and don’t remember the serial number you set before, you can send query
parameter condition message first to get the corresponding serial number. Secondly, you send cancel SOS call
number to the device. command in form of SMS through center mobile phone NO. to the terminal.
Format: sos1 #
sos2 #
sos3 #
If the setup is successful, there will be a reply “SOS number delete successfully!”.
7.7 Inquire parameter setting
Command: test#
Example: test #
Reply Message:
31464;upload:65535s;work mode:1;bat level:3;GPS:OK(7);GPRS:OK(100);LED:OFF;
ver: firmware version
ID: 7893267561– device ID Number
ip:, PORT:8500 -- Server IP and port
center: Center number
slave: Slave center number
upload: GPRS Data upload interval
workmode: working mode
7.8 Work mode setup
# or m2,
# or m3,20# or m4#
The default
working mode
is mode 1,
#: mode 1, GSM and GSP always working, every 20 seconds send GPS data to server. (Range: 10~65535S,
default 60S)
#: mode 2, power saving mode, every 600 seconds turn on GPS, and send GPS data to server once, then
enter sleep. (Range: 300~65535S)
m3,20#: mode 3, GPS not work, every 20 seconds send GSM’s cell ID to server, some commands can wakeup
GPS once. (Range: 10~65535S)
m4#: mode 4, no server, always sleeps, only wakeup by SMS or call, can get google map link by SMS.
Language and time zone setting
The device provide two kinds of language, Chinese and the English. The different areas use different time zone
Command: lang,x,zone,n#
Language options x: 0 is English, 1 is Chinese, the default language x=1.
Time zone n: East eight area for 8, west three areas for -3, the default time zone n=+8.
7.10 Restart the device
When the GPRS cannot link normally, such as that all setup is successful, but the device still not on line, you can
send message to the device. The device will restart and then the device can work as usual.
Format: reset#