Thank you for purchasing your product and for being a loyal customer of
Leader Computers.
Before your start using this device, we encourage you to take a moment to
read through the product instructions. It is important to note that Leader
Computers is not liable for any personal injury, property or other losses
incurred by misuse of this product.
Leader Computers is the owner of the instructions and information
contained in this User Manual and as such holds all copyright. Any
trademarks mentioned throughout this instruction booklet belong to their
respective owners.
If the content of this instruction booklet is inconsistent with the actual
product, please contact Leader Computers immediately to obtain the correct
guide for your product.
If you have any queries or questions relating to the content of this manual,
we ask that you write to Leader Computers within 7 days of the purchase of
your device stating any issues you have with the content of this manual.
Otherwise, we assume you have agreed, understood and accept the content
and instructions contained herein.
For technical support please call 1300 4 LEADER.