The cooling unit has both an audible notification and a visual alarm indicator (shown
in “red” on the control panel) that are activated when an alarm is triggered. Please
note: the HA and LA alarms are disabled during the first 23 hours of operation after
the cooling unit is plugged in and/or turned on.
The control panel also will flash a code for each alarm, as follows:
Alarm Code
What it means
What to do
P1, P3
Probe Failure
Call CellarPro at 877.726.8496
The temperature
inside the cellar is too
warm (above 70°F for
more than 1 hour)
Check seals;
Check if door was left open;
Lower the ambient temperatures
The condenser
temperature is too
high (above 140°F)
Check that the condenser fan (at
the rear of the cooling unit) is
Make sure that the filter (if used)
or coils are clean;
If the unit is ducted, make sure
that the auxiliary fan is operating;
Check for any blockages of the hot
air intake or exhaust
Then turn off the unit immediately
and call CellarPro at 877.726.8496
or email
The temperature
inside the cellar is too
cold (below 45°F)
Raise the ambient temperature;
Make sure the cold air discharge
has sufficient clearance for the air
to circulate
Raise the “Minimum Set Point”
The temperature at
the condenser coils
(outside the cabinet)
has dropped below the
alarm temperature
Call CellarPro at 877.726.8496