Installation guide
Local Control Network - building controls in perfection
Key codes:
Key codes are numbers with four digits from the buttons 1 to 4. Example: 4431 or 2132.
Through parameterization on the I-connection, an IR-receiver can be locked, so that only
telegrammes with certain key codes are excepted. Only hand transmitters with one of the
stored codes can function on this receiver. When delivered the transmitter contains the
code 1111. Possible combinations are from 1112-4443 (containing digits 1-4).
Putting in the key codes:
Press the buttons 1, 3 and 4 together, until you hear a double signal tone.
simply tip in the the four digits one after another. After the last digit you will
hear a long signal tone as varification, that the code has been successfully
stored. Putting in the key code will only function when a code has not
already been selected.
Should you falsely tip while putting in the code, you can simply stop and
wait 2 seconds: the transmitter will erase the selected digits and indicate
this with a long signal tone.
Erasing a key code:
Open the battery cover and remove the battery (during this time you can
press the RT, to unload any voltage that´s left). After about 2 minutes press the button 4 and
keeped pressed whilst replacing the battery. The transmitter is now ready for a new code.
Due to safety grounds, the code can only be given
in once: After saving, the transmitter will no longer react to the button
combination 1-3-4.
putting in the
key code