ARES II - Rev. 1.30 Oct. 2022
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Automatic Calibration / Flight Mode
After the ARES II is turned ON, it will continue to automatically calibrate itself to the field elevation where it is currently located. This will continue after each jump /
landing, to ensure the unit is always zeroed before jumps are made and will take into account weather related pressure changes
After take-off, the ARES II will enter Flight Mode.
Altitude Offset
When performing Altitude Offset, the ARES II enters Flight Mode and will retain any offset for 14 hours if no jump is made.
After 14 hours the unit calibrates itself to the field elevation where it is located.
To exit Flight Mode, turn the unit OFF, then ON.
Manual Zeroing
If the unit does not display the correct altitude when arriving at the drop zone, it must be manually zeroed
Turning the unit OFF, then ON, will clear any Altitude Offset and re-enter automatic calibration
Automatic OFF
The ARES II automatically switches OFF if no jump has been made within 14 hours, no button has been pressed within 14 hours, or the unit has not
been in Flight Mode within 14 hours