For all your garden luxuries…
Your framing kit is level and fixed in position. You
now need to fit your 2-side fascia's. Pre drill and fix
in place with a 3" silver screw at the end of each
Starting from the bottom overhang the
first Featheredge board 25mm and fit in
place with stainless steel nails. We
recommend 2 nails at each truss. Place
the next board on top so that there is a
30mm overlap and repeat the nailing
process. Repeat this until you reach the
top. Repeat on the other side. How you
finish the overlap at the top is your choice
but we believe to overlap the two top
most boards is favourite.
Plywood/ felt shingle roof instructions
Sheets of ply are cut to size. They are
fitted using 3” screws supplied.
Instructions to fit felt shingles are on the
packaging however, any issues call
02078673959 and we will talk you
through it.