Layher 3201 Instructions For Assembly And Use Download Page 6

General Instructions on Assembly and Usage   

Layher Uni Light Tower

Edition: 15.12.2011

The rolling tower may be used for the scaffolding group 

and as additionally specified in the German operating 

safety regulations (BetrSichV). 

The user of mobile working platforms must 

comply with the following instructions:


 The user must check the suitability of the selected 

rolling tower for the work to be performed (Section 4 

of BetrSichV).


 The max. platform height is, in accordance with

DIN EN 1004:2005-03 


– inside buildings 12.0 m


– outside buildings 8.0 m

The material and ballasting requirements on page 5 must 

be complied with; risk of accidents in the event 

of non-compliance. For greater heights, additional 

measures are necessary, obtainable from the manu-

facturer. Stability of the rolling tower must be assured.


 The assembly, modification or dismantling of the rol-

ling tower in accordance with the present instructions 

for assembly and use may only be performed under the 

supervision of a qualified person and by 

professionally suitable personnel after special 

instruction. Only the scaffolding types shown in these 

instructions for assembly and use may be used.

The unit must, after assembly and before being put 

into service, be inspected by persons qualified to do so 

(Section 10 of BetrSichV). The inspection must be do-

cumented (Section 11 of BetrSichV). During assembly, 

modification or dismantling, the rolling tower must be 

provided with a prohibition sign indicating “No access 

allowed” and be adequately safeguarded by means 

of barriers preventing access to the danger zone (Be-

trSichV Annex 2, para. 5.2.5).


 Before starting assembly, examine all components in 

order to make sure they are in perfect condition. Only  

undamaged original components for Layher Mobile 

tower systems may be used. Tower parts such as snap-

on claws and spigot must be cleaned of dirt after use. 

Tower parts must be protected against slipping and 

impacts during truck transportation. It must be ensured 

that the tower parts are stored where they are free from 

weather effects. Tower parts must be handled in such a 

way that they are not damaged. For the fixing of ballast 

weights and wall supports see the tables on page 5 of 


Assembly and Use Instructions.

5. During assembly and dismantling, system decks 

or scaffold planks according to DIN 4420-3 (mini-

mum measurement: 28 x 4.5 x 220 cm long) must 

be built in as auxiliary decks at maximum height 

intervals of 2.0 m. Observe the equirements for maxi-

mum support distances of scaffold boards according 

to their thickness. These auxiliary decks, providing 

a safe footing for assembly and dismantling, are 

removed after the erection. Each platform must be 

completely boarded.

Due to structural reasons intermediate platforms with  

access decks must be built in at maximum intervals 

of 4.00 m. For safety reasons, it is advisable for two 

persons to erect the towers above a height of 4.0 m. To 

assemble the upper tower sections, the individual parts 

must be hoisted using transportation ropes.  

Small quantities of tools and materials can be carried 

up in person, otherwise also hoisted by transportation 

ropes to the working level.


 Secure the ladder frame joints with spring clips 

against unintended lift-off.

7. During assembly push guardrails and diagonal  

braces outwards as far as possible on the ladder 



intermediate decks

 used for climbing only,  

two guardrails are required. For small towers where   

the height of the deck exceeds 1.0 m, equipment must 

be provided that permits the attachement of side guards 

in accordance with DIN EN 1004:2005-03


 Access to the working platform is only permitted on 

the inside 

(exception Tower Type 3201)

 using the 

ladder rungs provided.


 It is not permitted to work on two or more decks at 

the same time. In the event of discrepancies consult the 



 Persons working on mobile towers should not lean 

or press against the guardrails, nor jump onto platforms.


 It is not permitted to affix lifting or hoisting devices 

to mobile towers.


 Move the tower manually and only on firm, level 

ground which is free from obstacles and sufficiently 

load bearing. Move the tower only longitudinally or 

diagonally. Avoid any impact. After extending the base 

one-sided with wall supports in use, move parallel to 

the wall only. Do not exceed normal walking speed 

 during movement.


 No persons or loose objects must remain on the 

tower when moving it.
15. After moving the tower, lock the castors by pressing  

the brake lever.


 Do not expose the tower to corrosive liquids or 



 Mobile working platforms must not be bridged 

 between each other, or a building 

without special 


 The same applies to special erections, e.g. 

suspende use etc.


 At a wind force above 6 (Beaufort-Scale) and after 

finishing the working shift, move the tower when 



 or in open buildings to a wind 

 protected area or secure ot by other approviate 

 measures against toppling over. (Wind speeds above   

6 on the Beaufort scale can be recognised by noticeable 

difficulty when walking.) If possible, rolling towers used 

on the outside of buildings must be securely  attached to 

the building or to another structure. It is recommended 

that rolling towers be anchored when they are left 



 In order to achieve different working heights decks 

may be fixed one rung higher or lower. Take care to 

comply with the prescribed guardrails at heights of 1 

m or more. Diagonal braces, too, must be placed a the 

corresponding lower or higher level. Contact the manuf-

acturer in order to find out whether an 

additional static 


 will be necessary.

Avoid horizontal and vertical loads that can cause the 

mobile work platform to topple over, such as:  

-  horizontal loads, for example when working on adja-

cent structures,

-  additional wind loads (due to tunnel effect from 

through-type buildings, unclad buildings and corners).


 Keep the access hatches shut, except when 

 climbing the tower.


 The mobile beam may double as a rung for climbing 

up and down.


 All couplers must be fastened with 50 Nm.


 Set the rolling tower verhedly by placing suitable 

materials underneath it. The inclination must not 

 exceed 1%.


 A rolling tower is not intended for use as a stairway 

tower providing access to other structures.


 It is prohibited to jump on the decks.


 A check must be made that all parts, auxiliary tools 

and safety equipment (ropes etc.) for erecting the 

 rolling towers are available on the site.


 If stipulated, mobile beams or tower supports or 

outriggers and ballast must be installed.


 It is prohibited to increase the height of the decking 

by using ladders, boxes or other objects.


 It is not permitted to construct bridges between the 

rolling tower and a building.


 Rolling towers are not designed to be lifted or 


Wilhelm Layher GmbH & Co. KG
Scaffolding  Grandstands  Ladders

Post Box 40
D-74361 Gueglingen-Eibensbach

+49-71 35-7 00


+49-71 35-7 03 72

E-mail: [email protected]

All dimensions and weights are guideline values.

Subject to technical modification.

Our deliveries shall be made exclusively in accordance  

with our currently valid General Terms of Sale.
