LAVA Computer MFG Inc.
nLTS Product Family - Reference Manual – A04
2 Vulcan St. Toronto, ON Tel: +1 416 674-5942 www.lavasimulcharge.com
Canada, M9W 1L2
Toll Free (US & Canada): 800 241-5282
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RJ45 “Ethernet Port”
The Ethernet Port is an IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T / 100BASE-TX compatible Fast Ethernet
interface. The Ethernet port accepts a standard RJ45 connector. The ETHERNET port is present
on a number of LAVA products.
The Ethernet Port only functions when the LAVA product is powered. The LAVA products have
a dedicated power input and are not intended to draw power from the mobile device.
The Ethernet port has two status indicators labelled "USB Activity" and "Link/Activity'.
Figure 1:
RJ45 Status Indicators
The USB Activity is a yellow indicator. The USB Activity is solid yellow when the LAVA
product is powered and connected to the mobile device. The USB Activity flashes when there is
traffic between the mobile device and a LAVA product.
The Link/Activity is a green indicator. The Link/Activity is solid green when the Ethernet Link
has been established. The Link/Activity flashes when there is network traffic through the
Ethernet interface. The Link/Activity indicator remains off when the mobile device is not
The Ethernet peripheral integrated within a LAVA product is subject to support built into the
mobile device. Any details related to Ethernet setup and Network configuration are described in
the documentation provided by the manufacturer of the mobile device.